> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/4752) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 11.0.
GitLab makes it easy to view the logs of running pods in [connected Kubernetes clusters](index.md).
By displaying the logs directly in GitLab, developers can avoid having to manage console tools or jump to a different interface.
## Overview
[Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) pod logs can be viewed directly within GitLab. Logs can be displayed by clicking on a specific pod from [Deploy Boards](../deploy_boards.md):
1. Go to **Operations > Environments** and find the environment which contains the desired pod, like `production`.
1. On the **Environments** page, you should see the status of the environment's pods with [Deploy Boards](../deploy_boards.md).
1. When mousing over the list of pods, a tooltip will appear with the exact pod name and status.

1. Click on the desired pod to bring up the logs view, which will contain the last 500 lines for that pod. Support for pods with multiple containers is coming [in a future release](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/6502).

## Requirements
There are a few key requirements in order to be able to use Pod Logs:
1.[Create or connect a Kubernetes cluster to the project](index.md#adding-and-creating-a-new-gke-cluster-via-gitlab)
1. A GitLab Runner. If one is not available, they can be easily [deployed](index.md#installing-applications).
1. Ensure a Kubernetes label of `app: $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` is applied to the
deployments, replica sets, and pods, where `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` is the value
of the [CI variable](../../../ci/variables/README.md#predefined-variables-environment-variables).
This needed to determine the environment a pod belongs to
when is more than one. These resources should be
contained in the namespace defined in the Kubernetes service setting.
The [Auto DevOps](../../../topics/autodevops/index.md)`.gitlab-ci.yml` template has predefined
stages and commands to use, and automatically applies the labeling.