=link_to'Remove user',[:admin,@user],data: {confirm: "USER #{@user.name} WILL BE REMOVED! Are you sure?"},method: :delete,class: "btn btn-remove"
=link_to'Remove user',admin_user_path(@user),data: {confirm: "USER #{@user.name} WILL BE REMOVED! Are you sure?"},method: :delete,class: "btn btn-remove"
@@ -188,3 +188,22 @@
You don't have access to delete this user.
Remove user and contributions
This option deletes the user and any contributions that
As well as the user's personal projects, groups owned solely by
the user, and projects in them, will also be removed. Commits
to other projects are unaffected.
=link_to'Remove user and contributions',admin_user_path(@user,hard_delete: true),data: {confirm: "USER #{@user.name} WILL BE REMOVED! Are you sure?"},method: :delete,class: "btn btn-remove"