Don't send SameSite=None to incompatible browsers
We set `SameSite=None` in GitLab 12.10 via because Chrome v80, rolled out in March 2020, treats any cookies without the `SameSite` directive set as though they are `SameSite=Lax` ( This is a breaking change from the previous default behavior, which was to treat those cookies as `SameSite=None`. However, older browsers (e.g. MacOS 10.14 on Safari 13.0.3) may interpret the `None` as `Strict`, which causes users that click on links from third-party sites (e.g. Gmail, Slack) to log in again. recommends a set of regular expressions to determine whether to send this. This commit implements most of the logic but skips one case since this doesn't seem common: macOS 10.14 with an embedded WebKit browser. This is also what does. I considered using that gem (, but I didn't like how it added another dependency (`user_agent_parser`) that loads a large YAML database (
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