Commit 1b7335b4 authored by Evan Read's avatar Evan Read

Merge branch 'hchouraria-doc-code-quality-troubleshooting-rubocop-version' into 'master'

Section on overriding rubocop version (documentation)

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!52965
parents 89f8c85b 26035c62
......@@ -456,3 +456,32 @@ This can be due to multiple reasons:
GitLab only uses the Code Quality artifact from the latest created job (with the largest job ID).
If multiple jobs in a pipeline generate a code quality artifact, those of earlier jobs are ignored.
To avoid confusion, configure only one job to generate a `gl-code-quality-report.json`.
### Rubocop errors
When using Code Quality jobs on a **Ruby** project, you can encounter problems running Rubocop.
For example, the following error can appear when using either a very recent or very old version
of Ruby:
/usr/local/bundle/gems/rubocop-0.52.1/lib/rubocop/config.rb:510:in `check_target_ruby':
Unknown Ruby version 2.7 found in `.ruby-version`. (RuboCop::ValidationError)
Supported versions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
This is caused by the default version of **rubocop** used by the check engine not covering
support for the Ruby version in use.
To use a custom version of **rubocop** that
[supports the version of Ruby used by the project](,
you can [override the configuration through a `.codeclimate.yml` file](
created in the project repository.
For example, to specify using **rubocop** release **0.67**:
version: "2"
enabled: true
channel: rubocop-0-67
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