Commit 20602a80 authored by Denys Mishunov's avatar Denys Mishunov Committed by Mike Jang

Documentation review edits

- Change future tense to present
- Use "for example" instead of "e.g." and "and so on" instead of "etc"
- Keep sentences at 25 words or shorter
- Fix list indentation
parent af5ab940
......@@ -6,6 +6,200 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Performance
Performance is an essential part and one of the main areas of concern for any modern application.
## User Timing API
[User Timing API]( is a web API
[available in all modern browsers]( It allows measuring
custom times and durations in your applications by placing special marks in your
code. You can use the User Timing API in GitLab to measure any timing, regardless of the framework,
including Rails, Vue, or vanilla JavaScript environments. For consistency and
convenience of adoption, GitLab offers several ways to enable custom user timing metrics in
your code.
User Timing API introduces two important paradigms: `mark` and `measure`.
**Mark** is the timestamp on the performance timeline. For example,
`performance.mark('my-component-start');` makes a browser note the time this code
is met. Then, you can obtain information about this mark by querying the global
performance object again. For example, in your DevTools console:
**Measure** is the duration between either:
- Two marks
- The start of navigation and a mark
- The start of navigation and the moment the measurement is taken
It takes several arguments of which the measurement’s name is the only one required. Examples:
- Duration between the start and end marks:
performance.measure('My component', 'my-component-start', 'my-component-end')
- Duration between a mark and the moment the measurement is taken. The end mark is omitted in
this case.
performance.measure('My component', 'my-component-start')
- Duration between [the navigation start](
and the moment the actual measurement is taken.
performance.measure('My component')
- Duration between [the navigation start](
and a mark. You cannot omit the start mark in this case but you can set it to `undefined`.
performance.measure('My component', undefined, 'my-component-end')
To query a particular `measure`, You can use the same API, as for `mark`:
performance.getEntriesByName('My component')
You can also query for all captured marks and measurements:
Using `getEntriesByName()` or `getEntriesByType()` returns an Array of [the PerformanceMeasure
objects]( which contain
information about the measurement's start time and duration.
### User Timing API utility
You can use the `performanceMarkAndMeasure` utility anywhere in GitLab, as it's not tied to any
particular environment.
`performanceMarkAndMeasure` takes an object as an argument, where:
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| `mark` | `String` | no | The name for the mark to set. Used for retrieving the mark later. If not specified, the mark is not set. |
| `measures` | `Array` | no | The list of the measurements to take at this point. |
In return, the entries in the `measures` array are objects with the following API:
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| `name` | `String` | yes | The name for the measurement. Used for retrieving the mark later. Must be specified for every measure object, otherwise JavaScript fails. |
| `start` | `String` | no | The name of a mark **from** which the measurement should be taken. |
| `end` | `String` | no | The name of a mark **to** which the measurement should be taken. |
import { performanceMarkAndMeasure } from '~/performance/utils';
measures: [
### Vue performance plugin
The plugin captures and measures the performance of the specified Vue components automatically
leveraging the Vue lifecycle and the User Timing API.
To use the Vue performance plugin:
1. Import the plugin:
import PerformancePlugin from '~/performance/vue_performance_plugin';
1. Use it before initializing your Vue application:
Vue.use(PerformancePlugin, {
components: [
The plugin accepts the list of components, performance of which should be measured. The components
should be specified by their `name` option.
You might need to explicitly set this option on the needed components, as
most components in the codebase don't have this option set:
export default {
name: 'IdeTreeList',
components: {
The plugin captures and stores the following:
- The start **mark** for when the component has been initialized (in `beforeCreate()` hook)
- The end **mark** of the component when it has been rendered (next animation frame after `nextTick`
in `mounted()` hook). In most cases, this event does not wait for all sub-components to be
bootstrapped. To measure the sub-components, you should include those into the
plugin options.
- **Measure** duration between the two marks above.
### Access stored measurements
To access stored measurements, you can use either:
- **Performance bar**. If you have it enabled (`P` + `B` key-combo), you can see the metrics
output in your DevTools console.
- **"Performance" tab** of the DevTools. You can get the measurements (not the marks, though) in
this tab when profiling performance.
- **DevTools console**. As mentioned above, you can query for the entries:
## Naming convention
All the marks and measures should be instantiated with the constants from
`app/assets/javascripts/performance/constants.js`. When you’re ready to add a new mark’s or
measurement’s label, you can follow the pattern.
NOTE: **Note:**
This pattern is a recommendation and not a hard rule.
app-*-start // for a start ‘mark’
app-*-end // for an end ‘mark’
app-* // for ‘measure’
For example, `'webide-init-editor-start`, `mr-diffs-mark-file-tree-end`, and so on. We do it to
help identify marks and measures coming from the different apps on the same page.
## Best Practices
### Realtime Components
......@@ -49,7 +243,7 @@ Only animate `opacity` & `transform` properties. Other properties (such as `top`
Layout to be recalculated, which is much more expensive. For details on this, see "Styles that Affect Layout" in
[High Performance Animations](
If you _do_ need to change layout (e.g. a sidebar that pushes main content over), prefer [FLIP]( to change expensive
If you _do_ need to change layout (for example, a sidebar that pushes main content over), prefer [FLIP]( to change expensive
properties once, and handle the actual animation with transforms.
## Reducing Asset Footprint
......@@ -198,7 +392,7 @@ data is used for users with capped data plans.
General tips:
- Don't add new fonts.
- Prefer font formats with better compression, e.g. WOFF2 is better than WOFF, which is better than TTF.
- Prefer font formats with better compression, for example, WOFF2 is better than WOFF, which is better than TTF.
- Compress and minify assets wherever possible (For CSS/JS, Sprockets and webpack do this for us).
- If some functionality can reasonably be achieved without adding extra libraries, avoid them.
- Use page-specific JavaScript as described above to load libraries that are only needed on certain pages.
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