info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
info:To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
${'overwrites values with same key and does not change key'} | ${'?one[]=1&one[]=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${undefined} | ${{'one[]':'2',two:'3'}}
${'gathers values with the same array-key, strips `[]` from key'} | ${'?one[]=1&one[]=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{one:['1','2'],two:'3'}}
${'overwrites values with the same array-key name'} | ${'?one=1&one[]=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{one:['2'],two:'3'}}
${'overwrites values with the same key name'} | ${'?one[]=1&one=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{one:'2',two:'3'}}
${'ignores plus symbols'} | ${'?search=a+b'} | ${{legacySpacesDecode:true}} | ${{search:'a+b'}}
${'ignores plus symbols in keys'} | ${'?search+term=a'} | ${{legacySpacesDecode:true}} | ${{'search+term':'a'}}
${'ignores plus symbols when gathering arrays'} | ${'?search[]=a+b'} | ${{gatherArrays:true,legacySpacesDecode:true}} | ${{search:['a+b']}}
${'replaces plus symbols with spaces'} | ${'?search=a+b'} | ${undefined} | ${{search:'a b'}}
${'replaces plus symbols in keys with spaces'} | ${'?search+term=a'} | ${undefined} | ${{'search term':'a'}}
${'replaces plus symbols when gathering arrays'} | ${'?search[]=a+b'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{search:['a b']}}
${'replaces plus symbols when gathering arrays for values with same key'} | ${'?search[]=a+b&search[]=c+d'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{search:['a b','c d']}}
${'overwrites values with same key and does not change key'} | ${'?one[]=1&one[]=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${undefined} | ${{'one[]':'2',two:'3'}}
${'gathers values with the same array-key, strips `[]` from key'} | ${'?one[]=1&one[]=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{one:['1','2'],two:'3'}}
${'overwrites values with the same array-key name'} | ${'?one=1&one[]=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{one:['2'],two:'3'}}
${'overwrites values with the same key name'} | ${'?one[]=1&one=2&two=2&two=3'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{one:'2',two:'3'}}
${'ignores plus symbols'} | ${'?search=a+b'} | ${{legacySpacesDecode:true}} | ${{search:'a+b'}}
${'ignores plus symbols in keys'} | ${'?search+term=a'} | ${{legacySpacesDecode:true}} | ${{'search+term':'a'}}
${'ignores plus symbols when gathering arrays'} | ${'?search[]=a+b'} | ${{gatherArrays:true,legacySpacesDecode:true}} | ${{search:['a+b']}}
${'replaces plus symbols with spaces'} | ${'?search=a+b'} | ${undefined} | ${{search:'a b'}}
${'replaces plus symbols in keys with spaces'} | ${'?search+term=a'} | ${undefined} | ${{'search term':'a'}}
${'replaces plus symbols when gathering arrays'} | ${'?search[]=a+b'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{search:['a b']}}
${'replaces plus symbols when gathering arrays for values with same key'} | ${'?search[]=a+b&search[]=c+d'} | ${{gatherArrays:true}} | ${{search:['a b','c d']}}