Fix needs_sync_again scope for design registries

parent 0ad4cbf8
......@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ class Geo::DesignRegistry < Geo::BaseRegistry
belongs_to :project
scope :dirty, -> { with_state(:pending).where.not(last_synced_at: nil) }
scope :failed, -> { with_state(:failed) }
scope :needs_sync_again, -> { failed.retry_due }
scope :needs_sync_again, -> { dirty.or(failed.retry_due) }
scope :never_attempted_sync, -> { with_state(:pending).where(last_synced_at: nil) }
scope :pending, -> { with_state(:pending) }
scope :retry_due, -> { where(arel_table[:retry_at].eq(nil).or(arel_table[:retry_at].lt(Time.current))) }
scope :synced, -> { with_state(:synced) }
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