`ClusterAgents|The registration token will be used to connect the Agent on your cluster to GitLab. To learn more about the registration tokens and how they are used %{linkStart}go to the documentation%{linkEnd}.`,
`ClusterAgents|The registration token will be used to connect the agent on your cluster to GitLab. %{linkStart}What are registration tokens?%{linkEnd}`,
'ClusterAgents|The token value will not be shown again after you close this window.',
'ClusterAgents|You cannot see this token again after you close this window.',
`ClusterAgents|The recommended installation method provided below includes the token. If you want to follow the alternative installation method provided in the docs make sure you save the token value before you close the window.`,
`ClusterAgents|The recommended installation method includes the token. If you want to follow the advanced installation method provided in the docs, make sure you save the token value before you close this window.`,
`Open a CLI and connect to the cluster you want to install the Agent in. Use this installation method to minimize any manual steps. The token is already included in the command.`,
`Open a CLI and connect to the cluster you want to install the agent in. Use this installation method to minimize any manual steps. The token is already included in the command.`,
modalTitle:s__('ClusterAgents|Install new Agent'),
modalTitle:s__('ClusterAgents|Connect your cluster through the Agent'),
'ClusterAgents|To install an Agent you should create an agent directory in the Repository first. We recommend that you add the Agent configuration to the directory before you start the installation process.',
"ClusterAgents|To install a new agent, first add the agent's configuration file to this repository. %{linkStart}What's the agent's configuration file?%{linkEnd}",
docsLinkText:s__('ClusterAgents|Learn more about installing a GitLab Kubernetes Agent'),
'ClusterAgents|The GitLab Agent also requires %{linkStart}enabling the Agent Server%{linkEnd}',
"ClusterAgents|Your instance doesn't have the %{linkStart}GitLab Agent Server (KAS)%{linkEnd} set up. Ask a GitLab Administrator to install it.",
'ClusterAgents|Use GitLab Agents to more securely integrate with your clusters to deploy your applications, run your pipelines, use review apps and much more.',
'ClusterAgents|If you are setting up multiple clusters and are using Auto DevOps, %{linkStart}read about using multiple Kubernetes clusters first.%{linkEnd}',
'ClusterIntegration|Use the %{linkStart}GitLab Agent%{linkEnd} to safely connect your Kubernetes clusters to GitLab. You can deploy your applications, run your pipelines, use Review Apps, and much more.',
learnMoreText:s__('ClusterAgents|Learn more about the GitLab Kubernetes Agent.'),
primaryButtonText:s__('ClusterAgents|Connect with a GitLab Agent'),
buttonText:s__('ClusterAgents|Connect with the GitLab Agent'),
'ClusterIntegration|Use certificates to integrate with your clusters to deploy your applications, run your pipelines, use review apps and much more in an easy way.',
'ClusterIntegration|If you are setting up multiple clusters and are using Auto DevOps, %{linkStart}read about using multiple Kubernetes clusters first.%{linkEnd}',
'ClusterIntegration|Connect your cluster to GitLab through %{linkStart}cluster certificates%{linkEnd}.',
learnMoreLinkText:s__('ClusterIntegration|Learn more about the GitLab managed clusters'),
buttonText:s__('ClusterIntegration|Connect with a certificate'),
'ClusterIntegration|The certificate-based method to connect clusters to GitLab was %{linkStart}deprecated%{linkEnd} in GitLab 14.5.',
title:sprintf(s__('ClusterAgents|%{number} of %{total} Agent based integrations')),
emptyTitle:s__('ClusterAgents|No Agent based integrations'),
title:sprintf(s__('ClusterAgents|%{number} of %{total} agents')),
emptyTitle:s__('ClusterAgents|No agents'),
title:s__('ClusterAgents|GitLab Agents'),
title:s__('ClusterAgents|GitLab Agent'),
'ClusterAgents|GitLab Agents provide an increased level of security when integrating with clusters. %{linkStart}Learn more about the GitLab Kubernetes Agent.%{linkEnd}',
'ClusterAgents|The GitLab Agent provides an increased level of security when connecting Kubernetes clusters to GitLab. %{linkStart}Learn more about the GitLab Agent.%{linkEnd}',
actionText:s__('ClusterAgents|Install new Agent'),
footerText:sprintf(s__('ClusterAgents|View all %{number} Agent based integrations')),
actionText:s__('ClusterAgents|Install a new agent'),
footerText:sprintf(s__('ClusterAgents|View all %{number} agents')),
title:sprintf(s__('ClusterAgents|%{number} of %{total} Certificate based integrations')),
emptyTitle:s__('ClusterAgents|No Certificate based integrations'),
s__('ClusterAgents|%{number} of %{total} clusters connected through cluster certificates'),
emptyTitle:s__('ClusterAgents|No clusters connected through cluster certificates'),
'NetworkPolicies|%{labelStart}And%{labelEnd} %{spanStart}send an Alert to GitLab.%{spanEnd}',
'NetworkPolicies|Please %{installLinkStart}install%{installLinkEnd} and %{configureLinkStart}configure a Kubernetes Agent for this project%{configureLinkEnd} to enable alerts.',
'NetworkPolicies|To enable alerts, %{installLinkStart}install an agent%{installLinkEnd} first.',