Commit 3211000d authored by Małgorzata Ksionek's avatar Małgorzata Ksionek Committed by Gosia Ksionek

Fix structure files

parent 43179f65
......@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS btree_gist;
CREATE FUNCTION delete_associated_project_namespace() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
......@@ -11168,9 +11166,9 @@ CREATE TABLE application_settings (
kroki_formats jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb NOT NULL,
in_product_marketing_emails_enabled boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
asset_proxy_whitelist text,
admin_mode boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
delayed_project_removal boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
lock_delayed_project_removal boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
admin_mode boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
external_pipeline_validation_service_timeout integer,
encrypted_external_pipeline_validation_service_token text,
encrypted_external_pipeline_validation_service_token_iv text,
......@@ -11181,8 +11179,8 @@ CREATE TABLE application_settings (
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds integer DEFAULT 15 NOT NULL,
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
whats_new_variant smallint DEFAULT 0,
deactivate_dormant_users boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
whats_new_variant smallint DEFAULT 0,
encrypted_spam_check_api_key bytea,
encrypted_spam_check_api_key_iv bytea,
floc_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
......@@ -11214,10 +11212,10 @@ CREATE TABLE application_settings (
throttle_unauthenticated_api_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
throttle_unauthenticated_api_requests_per_period integer DEFAULT 3600 NOT NULL,
throttle_unauthenticated_api_period_in_seconds integer DEFAULT 3600 NOT NULL,
jobs_per_stage_page_size integer DEFAULT 200 NOT NULL,
sidekiq_job_limiter_mode smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
sidekiq_job_limiter_compression_threshold_bytes integer DEFAULT 100000 NOT NULL,
sidekiq_job_limiter_limit_bytes integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
jobs_per_stage_page_size integer DEFAULT 200 NOT NULL,
suggest_pipeline_enabled boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
throttle_unauthenticated_deprecated_api_requests_per_period integer DEFAULT 1800 NOT NULL,
throttle_unauthenticated_deprecated_api_period_in_seconds integer DEFAULT 3600 NOT NULL,
......@@ -11234,8 +11232,8 @@ CREATE TABLE application_settings (
sentry_dsn text,
sentry_clientside_dsn text,
sentry_environment text,
static_objects_external_storage_auth_token_encrypted text,
max_ssh_key_lifetime integer,
static_objects_external_storage_auth_token_encrypted text,
future_subscriptions jsonb DEFAULT '[]'::jsonb NOT NULL,
packages_cleanup_package_file_worker_capacity smallint DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL,
container_registry_import_max_tags_count integer DEFAULT 100 NOT NULL,
......@@ -11243,7 +11241,7 @@ CREATE TABLE application_settings (
container_registry_import_start_max_retries integer DEFAULT 50 NOT NULL,
container_registry_import_max_step_duration integer DEFAULT 300 NOT NULL,
container_registry_import_target_plan text DEFAULT 'free'::text NOT NULL,
container_registry_import_created_before timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '2022-01-23 01:00:00+01'::timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
container_registry_import_created_before timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '2022-01-23 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
runner_token_expiration_interval integer,
group_runner_token_expiration_interval integer,
project_runner_token_expiration_interval integer,
......@@ -17355,8 +17353,8 @@ CREATE TABLE namespace_settings (
default_branch_name text,
repository_read_only boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
delayed_project_removal boolean,
lock_delayed_project_removal boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
resource_access_token_creation_allowed boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
lock_delayed_project_removal boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
new_user_signups_cap integer,
setup_for_company boolean,
......@@ -27601,7 +27599,7 @@ CREATE INDEX index_events_on_author_id_and_created_at_merge_requests ON events U
CREATE INDEX index_events_on_author_id_and_id ON events USING btree (author_id, id);
CREATE INDEX index_events_on_created_at_and_id ON events USING btree (created_at, id) WHERE (created_at > '2021-08-27 02:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone);
CREATE INDEX index_events_on_created_at_and_id ON events USING btree (created_at, id) WHERE (created_at > '2021-08-27 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone);
CREATE INDEX index_events_on_group_id_partial ON events USING btree (group_id) WHERE (group_id IS NOT NULL);
......@@ -28337,8 +28335,6 @@ CREATE INDEX index_notes_on_discussion_id ON notes USING btree (discussion_id);
CREATE INDEX index_notes_on_line_code ON notes USING btree (line_code);
CREATE INDEX index_notes_on_note_gin_trigram ON notes USING gin (note gin_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX index_notes_on_noteable_id_and_noteable_type_and_system ON notes USING btree (noteable_id, noteable_type, system);
CREATE INDEX index_notes_on_project_id_and_id_and_system_false ON notes USING btree (project_id, id) WHERE (NOT system);
......@@ -29631,7 +29627,7 @@ CREATE INDEX tmp_gitlab_subscriptions_max_seats_used_migration ON gitlab_subscri
CREATE INDEX tmp_gitlab_subscriptions_max_seats_used_migration_2 ON gitlab_subscriptions USING btree (id) WHERE ((start_date < '2021-08-02'::date) AND (max_seats_used <> 0) AND (max_seats_used > seats_in_use) AND (max_seats_used > seats));
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_ci_job_artifacts_on_id_where_trace_and_expire_at ON ci_job_artifacts USING btree (id) WHERE ((file_type = 3) AND (expire_at = ANY (ARRAY['2021-04-22 02:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone, '2021-05-22 02:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone, '2021-06-22 02:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-01-22 01:00:00+01'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-02-22 01:00:00+01'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-03-22 01:00:00+01'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-04-22 02:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone])));
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_ci_job_artifacts_on_id_where_trace_and_expire_at ON ci_job_artifacts USING btree (id) WHERE ((file_type = 3) AND (expire_at = ANY (ARRAY['2021-04-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone, '2021-05-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone, '2021-06-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-01-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-02-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-03-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone, '2022-04-22 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone])));
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_container_repositories_on_id_migration_state ON container_repositories USING btree (id, migration_state);
......@@ -29659,8 +29655,6 @@ CREATE INDEX tmp_index_projects_on_id_and_runners_token ON projects USING btree
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_projects_on_id_and_runners_token_encrypted ON projects USING btree (id, runners_token_encrypted) WHERE (runners_token_encrypted IS NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX token_encrypted_hashed ON ci_builds USING btree (sha256((token_encrypted)::bytea));
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name ON packages_debian_group_architectures USING btree (distribution_id, name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_deb_grp_components_on_distribution_id_and_name ON packages_debian_group_components USING btree (distribution_id, name);
......@@ -127,18 +127,18 @@ CREATE TABLE job_artifact_registry (
success boolean,
sha256 character varying,
missing_on_primary boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
state smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
last_synced_at timestamp with time zone,
last_sync_failure character varying(255),
verified_at timestamp with time zone,
verification_started_at timestamp with time zone,
verification_retry_at timestamp with time zone,
state smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
verification_state smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
verification_retry_count smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
verification_checksum bytea,
verification_checksum_mismatched bytea,
checksum_mismatch boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
verification_failure character varying(255),
last_sync_failure character varying(255)
verification_failure character varying(255)
CREATE SEQUENCE job_artifact_registry_id_seq
......@@ -628,18 +628,18 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_terraform_state_version_registry_on_t_state_version_id
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_tf_state_versions_registry_tf_state_versions_id_unique ON terraform_state_version_registry USING btree (terraform_state_version_id);
CREATE INDEX job_artifact_registry_failed_verification ON job_artifact_registry USING btree (verification_retry_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 3));
CREATE INDEX job_artifact_registry_needs_verification ON job_artifact_registry USING btree (verification_state) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = ANY (ARRAY[0, 3])));
CREATE INDEX job_artifact_registry_pending_verification ON job_artifact_registry USING btree (verified_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 0));
CREATE INDEX lfs_object_registry_failed_verification ON lfs_object_registry USING btree (verification_retry_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 3));
CREATE INDEX lfs_object_registry_needs_verification ON lfs_object_registry USING btree (verification_state) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = ANY (ARRAY[0, 3])));
CREATE INDEX lfs_object_registry_pending_verification ON lfs_object_registry USING btree (verified_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 0));
CREATE INDEX job_artifact_registry_failed_verification ON job_artifact_registry USING btree (verification_retry_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 3));
CREATE INDEX job_artifact_registry_needs_verification ON job_artifact_registry USING btree (verification_state) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = ANY (ARRAY[0, 3])));
CREATE INDEX job_artifact_registry_pending_verification ON job_artifact_registry USING btree (verified_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 0));
CREATE INDEX merge_request_diff_registry_failed_verification ON merge_request_diff_registry USING btree (verification_retry_at NULLS FIRST) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = 3));
CREATE INDEX merge_request_diff_registry_needs_verification ON merge_request_diff_registry USING btree (verification_state) WHERE ((state = 2) AND (verification_state = ANY (ARRAY[0, 3])));
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