Update BButton snapshot

parent 7df7a77d
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`content_editor/components/toolbar_button displays tertiary, small button with a provided label and icon 1`] = ` exports[`content_editor/components/toolbar_button displays tertiary, small button with a provided label and icon 1`] = `
"<b-button-stub event=\\"click\\" routertag=\\"a\\" size=\\"sm\\" variant=\\"default\\" type=\\"button\\" tag=\\"button\\" aria-label=\\"Bold\\" title=\\"Bold\\" class=\\"gl-mx-2 gl-button btn-default-tertiary btn-icon\\"> "<b-button-stub size=\\"sm\\" variant=\\"default\\" type=\\"button\\" tag=\\"button\\" aria-label=\\"Bold\\" title=\\"Bold\\" class=\\"gl-mx-2 gl-button btn-default-tertiary btn-icon\\">
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<gl-icon-stub name=\\"bold\\" size=\\"16\\" class=\\"gl-button-icon\\"></gl-icon-stub> <gl-icon-stub name=\\"bold\\" size=\\"16\\" class=\\"gl-button-icon\\"></gl-icon-stub>
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