@@ -215,6 +215,22 @@ To reorder child epics assigned to an epic:
1. Go to the **Epics and Issues** tab.
1. Drag and drop epics into the desired order.
## Moving issues and child epics between epics
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/33039) in GitLab 13.0.
New issues and child epics are added to the top of their respective lists in the **Epics and Issues** tab. You can move issues and child epics from one epic to another. Issues and child epics cannot be intermingled.
To move an issue from an epic to another:
1. Go to the **Epics and Issues** tab.
1. Drag and drop issues into the desired parent epic.
To move child epics assigned from an epic to another:
1. Go to the **Epics and Issues** tab.
1. Drag and drop epics into the desired parent epic.