While the Apollo client has support for simple polling, for performance reasons, our [Etag-based caching](../polling.md) is preferred to hitting the database each time.
Once the backend is set up, there are a few changes to make on the frontend.
First, get your resource Etag path from the backend. In the example of the pipelines graph, this is called the `graphql_resource_etag`. This will be used to create new headers to add to the Apollo context:
Then, becasue Etags depend on the request being a `GET` instead of GraphQL's usual `POST`, but our default link library does not support `GET` we need to let our defaut Apollo client know to use a different library.
/* componentMountIndex.js */
Keep in mind, this means your app will not batch queries.
Once subscriptions are mature, this process can be replaced by using them and we can remove the separate link library and return to batching queries.