1. Enter the base URL of your Bamboo server. 'https://bamboo.example.com'
1. Enter the build key from your Bamboo build plan. Build keys are a short,
all capital letter, identifier that is unique. It will be something like PR-BLD
1. Enter the build key from your Bamboo build plan. Build keys are typically made up from the Project Key and Plan Key that are set on project/plan creation and seperated with a '-' for example **PROJ-PLAN**. This is a short,
all capital letter, identifier that is unique. When viewing a plan within Bamboo, the build key is also shown in the browser URL for example https://bamboo.example.com/browse/PROJ-PLAN
1. If necessary, enter username and password for a Bamboo user that has
access to trigger the build plan. Leave these fields blank if you do not require