Commit 392885b2 authored by Clement Ho's avatar Clement Ho

Merge branch 'sh-disable-autocomplete-mirror-password' into 'master'

Disable password autocomplete in mirror form fill

Closes gitlab-ce#50812

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!8477
parents f525cb1f 0a74bd19
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
.changing-auth-method= icon('spinner spin lg')
= f.label :password, _("Password"), class: "label-bold"
= f.password_field :password, value: import_data.password, class: 'form-control'
= f.password_field :password, value: import_data.password, class: 'form-control', autocomplete: 'new-password'
%p.js-ssh-public-key-present{ class: ('collapse' unless ssh_public_key_present) }
= _('Here is the public SSH key that needs to be added to the remote server. For more information, please refer to the documentation.')
title: Disable password autocomplete in mirror form fill
type: fixed
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