Commit 3b5e1492 authored by Mike Kozono's avatar Mike Kozono

Remove unused code

parent 81b7d6ad
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class Geo::PackageFileRegistry < Geo::BaseRegistry
belongs_to :package_file, class_name: 'Packages::PackageFile'
scope :package_file_id_not_in, -> (ids) { where.not(package_file_id: ids) }
scope :never, -> { where(last_synced_at: nil) }
scope :failed, -> { with_state(:failed) }
scope :synced, -> { with_state(:synced) }
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
FactoryBot.define do
factory :package_file_registry, class: 'Geo::PackageFileRegistry' do
association :package_file, factory: [:package_file, :npm]
last_sync_failure { nil }
last_synced_at { nil }
state { Geo::PackageFileRegistry.state_value(:pending) }
trait :synced do
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