Commit 3e1db553 authored by Albert Salim's avatar Albert Salim

Include ruby spec files in backend-patterns

parent 4064808a
......@@ -112,9 +112,10 @@
- "Gemfile{,.lock}"
- "Rakefile"
- ""
# List explicitly all the app/ dirs that aren't backend (i.e. all except app/assets).
# List explicitly all the app/ dirs that are backend (i.e. all except app/assets).
- "{,ee/}{app/channels,app/controllers,app/finders,app/graphql,app/helpers,app/mailers,app/models,app/policies,app/presenters,app/serializers,app/services,app/uploaders,app/validators,app/views,app/workers}/**/*"
- "{,ee/}{bin,cable,config,db,lib}/**/*"
- "{,ee/}spec/**/*.rb"
.db-patterns: &db-patterns
- "{,ee/}{db}/**/*"
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