Commit 41acc8f8 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Merge branch 'ee-6353-pipelines-index' into 'master'

EE: Removes EE differences for pipelines/index.html

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!10152
parents 2fc78fd5 b5a86b87
- @no_container = true
- page_title _('Pipelines')
= content_for :flash_message do
= render 'shared/shared_runners_minutes_limit', project: @project
= render_if_exists "shared/shared_runners_minutes_limit_flash_message"
%div{ 'class' => container_class }
#pipelines-list-vue{ data: { endpoint: project_pipelines_path(@project, format: :json),
= content_for :flash_message do
= render 'shared/shared_runners_minutes_limit', project: @project
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