Commit 4242d239 authored by Gabriel Mazetto's avatar Gabriel Mazetto Committed by Rémy Coutable

[EE Backport] Add Grafana to Admin > Monitoring menu when enabled

parent 0c176b19
......@@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ module ApplicationSettingsHelper
= form_for @application_setting, url: admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-grafana-settings'), html: { class: 'fieldset-form' } do |f|
= form_errors(@application_setting)
= _("Add a Grafana button in the admin sidebar, monitoring section, to access a variety of statistics on the health and performance of GitLab.")
= link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('administration/monitoring/performance/')
= f.check_box :grafana_enabled, class: 'form-check-input'
= f.label :grafana_enabled, class: 'form-check-label' do
= _('Enable access to Grafana')
= f.label :grafana_url, _('Grafana URL'), class: 'label-bold'
= f.text_field :grafana_url, class: 'form-control', placeholder: '/-/grafana'
= f.submit _('Save changes'), class: "btn btn-success"
......@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@
= render 'prometheus'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded_by_default?) }
= _('Metrics - Grafana')
%button.btn.btn-default.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded_by_default? ? _('Collapse') : _('Expand')
= _('Enable and configure Grafana.')
= render 'grafana'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded_by_default?) }
......@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@
= link_to admin_requests_profiles_path, title: _('Requests Profiles') do
= _('Requests Profiles')
- if Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.grafana_enabled?
= nav_link do
= link_to Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.grafana_url, target: '_blank', title: _('Metrics Dashboard') do
= _('Metrics Dashboard')
= render_if_exists 'layouts/nav/ee/admin/new_monitoring_sidebar'
= nav_link(controller: :broadcast_messages) do
title: Adds link to Grafana in Admin > Monitoring settings when grafana is enabled in config
merge_request: 28937
author: Romain Maneschi
type: added
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddGrafanaToSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
add_column_with_default(:application_settings, :grafana_enabled, :boolean,
default: false, allow_null: false)
def down
remove_column(:application_settings, :grafana_enabled)
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddGrafanaUrlToSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
add_column_with_default(:application_settings, :grafana_url, :string,
default: '/-/grafana', allow_null: false)
def down
remove_column(:application_settings, :grafana_url)
......@@ -224,8 +224,10 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20190628185004) do
t.string "required_instance_ci_template"
t.boolean "dns_rebinding_protection_enabled", default: true, null: false
t.boolean "default_project_deletion_protection", default: false, null: false
t.boolean "grafana_enabled", default: false, null: false
t.boolean "lock_memberships_to_ldap", default: false, null: false
t.boolean "time_tracking_limit_to_hours", default: false, null: false
t.string "grafana_url", default: "/-/grafana", null: false
t.index ["custom_project_templates_group_id"], name: "index_application_settings_on_custom_project_templates_group_id", using: :btree
t.index ["file_template_project_id"], name: "index_application_settings_on_file_template_project_id", using: :btree
t.index ["usage_stats_set_by_user_id"], name: "index_application_settings_on_usage_stats_set_by_user_id", using: :btree
......@@ -103,6 +103,21 @@ repository for more information on this process.
## Integration with GitLab UI
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.1.
If you have set up Grafana, you can enable a link to access it easily from the sidebar:
1. Go to the admin area under **Settings > Metrics and profiling**
and expand "Metrics - Grafana".
1. Check the "Enable access to Grafana" checkbox.
1. If Grafana is enabled through Omnibus GitLab and on the same server,
leave "Grafana URL" unchanged. In any other case, enter the full URL
path of the Grafana instance.
1. Click **Save changes**.
1. The new link will be available in the admin area under **Monitoring > Metrics Dashboard**.
Read more on:
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ module API
optional :gitaly_timeout_default, type: Integer, desc: 'Default Gitaly timeout, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.'
optional :gitaly_timeout_fast, type: Integer, desc: 'Gitaly fast operation timeout, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.'
optional :gitaly_timeout_medium, type: Integer, desc: 'Medium Gitaly timeout, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.'
optional :grafana_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Enable Grafana'
optional :grafana_url, type: String, desc: 'Grafana URL'
optional :gravatar_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if the Gravatar service is enabled'
optional :help_page_hide_commercial_content, type: Boolean, desc: 'Hide marketing-related entries from help'
optional :help_page_support_url, type: String, desc: 'Alternate support URL for help page'
......@@ -749,6 +749,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add a GPG key"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a Grafana button in the admin sidebar, monitoring section, to access a variety of statistics on the health and performance of GitLab."
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a bullet list"
msgstr ""
......@@ -4855,9 +4858,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Enable SAML authentication for this group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable access to Grafana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable access to the Performance Bar for a given group."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable and configure Grafana."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable and configure InfluxDB metrics."
msgstr ""
......@@ -6606,6 +6615,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Got it!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Grafana URL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Grant access"
msgstr ""
......@@ -8525,12 +8537,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Metrics"
msgstr ""
msgid "Metrics - Grafana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Metrics - Influx"
msgstr ""
msgid "Metrics - Prometheus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Metrics Dashboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Metrics and profiling"
msgstr ""
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