Commit 43b3865b authored by drew cimino's avatar drew cimino

Configuration reference for workflow:rules

parent 09c4b994
......@@ -3391,6 +3391,31 @@ variables:
You can set it globally or per-job in the [`variables`](#variables) section.
### `workflow:rules`
> Introduced in Gitlab 12.6
The top-level `workflow:` key applies to the entirety of a Pipeline being
configured by your CI configuration file. It currently accepts a single key
`rules:` that operates in the [exact same way](#rules) as `job:rules`; a list
of rules is evaluated until a single one of them is matched, and that rule
provides dynamically-selected configuration.
Currently the only configuration option allowed for `workflow:rules` is `when:`
- `when:` may be set to `always` or `never`
- If not provided, the default value is `always`
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /-wip$/
when: never
when: never
- when: always
## Deprecated parameters
The following parameters are deprecated.
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