Commit 44447e9a authored by Thomas Randolph's avatar Thomas Randolph

Add the MR id to the file ID

Currently, files are IDed by their "identifier_hash" and
their content.
However, this isn't really unique across all projects,
it's only unique within a single MR.

By mixing in the user/group + project + MR id,
we can guarantee the generated IDs are unique
across all of GitLab.
parent 04f0ec2a
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import {
} from '../constants';
import { getDerivedMergeRequestInformation } from './merge_request';
import { uuids } from './uuids';
function fileSymlinkInformation(file, fileList) {
......@@ -34,8 +35,12 @@ function collapsed(file) {
function identifier(file) {
const { userOrGroup, project, id } = getDerivedMergeRequestInformation({
endpoint: file.load_collapsed_diff_url,
return uuids({
seeds: [file.file_identifier_hash, file.blob?.id],
seeds: [userOrGroup, project, id, file.file_identifier_hash, file.blob?.id],
......@@ -48,10 +53,10 @@ export function prepareRawDiffFile({ file, allFiles, meta = false }) {
// It's possible, but not confirmed, that `content_sha` isn't available sometimes
// It's possible, but not confirmed, that `` isn't available sometimes
// See:
// We don't want duplicate IDs if that's the case, so we just don't assign an ID
if (!meta && file.blob?.id) {
if (!meta && file.blob?.id && file.load_collapsed_diff_url) { = identifier(file);
const endpointRE = /^(\/?(.+?)\/(.+?)\/-\/merge_requests\/(\d+)).*$/i;
export function getDerivedMergeRequestInformation({ endpoint } = {}) {
const mrPath = endpoint
.slice(0, -1)
let mrPath;
let userOrGroup;
let project;
let id;
const matches = endpointRE.exec(endpoint);
if (matches) {
[, mrPath, userOrGroup, project, id] = matches;
return {
import { prepareRawDiffFile } from '~/diffs/utils/diff_file';
function getDiffFiles() {
const loadFull = 'namespace/project/-/merge_requests/12345/diff_for_path?file_identifier=abc';
return [
blob: {
......@@ -8,6 +10,7 @@ function getDiffFiles() {
file_hash: 'ABC', // This file is just a normal file
file_identifier_hash: 'ABC1',
load_collapsed_diff_url: loadFull,
blob: {
......@@ -15,6 +18,7 @@ function getDiffFiles() {
file_hash: 'DEF', // This file replaces a symlink
file_identifier_hash: 'DEF1',
load_collapsed_diff_url: loadFull,
a_mode: '0',
b_mode: '0755',
......@@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ function getDiffFiles() {
file_hash: 'DEF', // This symlink is replaced by a file
file_identifier_hash: 'DEF2',
load_collapsed_diff_url: loadFull,
a_mode: '120000',
b_mode: '0',
......@@ -33,6 +38,7 @@ function getDiffFiles() {
file_hash: 'GHI', // This symlink replaces a file
file_identifier_hash: 'GHI1',
load_collapsed_diff_url: loadFull,
a_mode: '0',
b_mode: '120000',
......@@ -42,6 +48,7 @@ function getDiffFiles() {
file_hash: 'GHI', // This file is replaced by a symlink
file_identifier_hash: 'GHI2',
load_collapsed_diff_url: loadFull,
a_mode: '0755',
b_mode: '0',
......@@ -86,11 +93,11 @@ describe('diff_file utilities', () => {
fileIndex | id
${0} | ${'8dcd585e-a421-4dab-a04e-6f88c81b7b4c'}
${1} | ${'3f178b78-392b-44a4-bd7d-5d6192208a97'}
${2} | ${'3d9e1354-cddf-4a11-8234-f0413521b2e5'}
${3} | ${'460f005b-d29d-43c1-9a08-099a7c7f08de'}
${4} | ${'d8c89733-6ce1-4455-ae3d-f8aad6ee99f9'}
${0} | ${'68296a4f-f1c7-445a-bd0e-6e3b02c4eec0'}
${1} | ${'051c9bb8-cdba-4eb7-b8d1-508906e6d8ba'}
${2} | ${'ed3d53d5-5da0-412d-a3c6-7213f84e88d3'}
${3} | ${'39d998dc-bc69-4b19-a6af-41e4369c2bd5'}
${4} | ${'7072d115-ce39-423c-8346-9fcad58cd68e'}
`('sets the file id properly { id: $id } on normal diff files', ({ fileIndex, id }) => {
const preppedFile = prepareRawDiffFile({
file: files[fileIndex],
......@@ -122,5 +129,18 @@ describe('diff_file utilities', () => {
it('does not set the id property if the file is missing a `load_collapsed_diff_url` property', () => {
const fileMissingContentSha = { ...files[0] };
delete fileMissingContentSha.load_collapsed_diff_url;
const preppedFile = prepareRawDiffFile({
file: fileMissingContentSha,
allFiles: files,
......@@ -2,16 +2,28 @@ import { getDerivedMergeRequestInformation } from '~/diffs/utils/merge_request';
import { diffMetadata } from '../mock_data/diff_metadata';
describe('Merge Request utilities', () => {
const derivedMrInfo = {
mrPath: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/merge_requests/4',
userOrGroup: 'gitlab-org',
project: 'gitlab-test',
id: '4',
const unparseableEndpoint = {
mrPath: undefined,
userOrGroup: undefined,
project: undefined,
id: undefined,
describe('getDerivedMergeRequestInformation', () => {
const endpoint = `${diffMetadata.latest_version_path}.json?searchParam=irrelevant`;
const mrPath = diffMetadata.latest_version_path.replace(/\/diffs$/, '');
argument | response
${{ endpoint }} | ${{ mrPath }}
${{}} | ${{ mrPath: undefined }}
${{ endpoint: undefined }} | ${{ mrPath: undefined }}
${{ endpoint: null }} | ${{ mrPath: undefined }}
${{ endpoint }} | ${derivedMrInfo}
${{}} | ${unparseableEndpoint}
${{ endpoint: undefined }} | ${unparseableEndpoint}
${{ endpoint: null }} | ${unparseableEndpoint}
`('generates the correct derived results based on $argument', ({ argument, response }) => {
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