Commit 4555e1b2 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@13-12-stable-ee

parent e570267f

Too many changes to show.

To preserve performance only 1000 of 1000+ files are displayed.

......@@ -105,3 +105,4 @@ ee/changelogs/unreleased-ee
......@@ -53,21 +53,36 @@ workflow:
RAILS_ENV: "test"
NODE_ENV: "test"
BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "production:development"
BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet"
# we override the max_old_space_size to prevent OOM errors
NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=3584
KNAPSACK_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: knapsack/report-master.json
FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec_flaky/report-suite.json
RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_PATH: crystalball/mapping.json
RSPEC_PACKED_TESTS_MAPPING_PATH: crystalball/packed-mapping.json
ES_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xms256m -Xmx256m"
ELASTIC_URL: "http://elastic:changeme@elasticsearch:9200"
REVIEW_APPS_GCP_PROJECT: "gitlab-review-apps"
BUILD_ASSETS_IMAGE: "true" # Set it to "false" to disable assets image building, used in `build-assets-image`
RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_ENABLED: "true" # Set it to "false" to disable RSpec fail-fast
# Preparing custom clone path to reduce space used by all random forks
# on's Shared Runners. Our main forks - especially the security
......@@ -91,30 +106,4 @@ variables:
GIT_CLONE_PATH: "/builds/gitlab-org-forks/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}"
- local: .gitlab/ci/build-images.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/cache-repo.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/cng.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/docs.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/frontend.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/global.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/memory.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/pages.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/qa.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/reports.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/rails.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/vendored-gems.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/review.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/setup.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/dev-fixtures.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/test-metadata.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/yaml.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/releases.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/notify.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/dast.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/workhorse.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/graphql.gitlab-ci.yml
# switch the remote include to a local include until this is resolved:
# - remote: ''
- local: .gitlab/ci/untamper-my-lockfile.yml
- local: .gitlab/ci/*.gitlab-ci.yml
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9,8 +9,18 @@ build-qa-image:
- .build-images:rules:build-qa-image
stage: build-images
needs: []
# With .git/hooks/post-checkout in place, Git tries to pull LFS objects, but the image doesn't have Git LFS, and we actually don't care about it for this specific so we just remove the file.
# Without removing the file, the error is as follows: "This repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting .git/hooks/post-checkout."
- rm .git/hooks/post-checkout
# Use $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA so that GitLab image built in omnibus-gitlab-mirror and QA image are in sync.
# This falls back to $CI_COMMIT_SHA (the default checked out commit) for the non-merged result pipelines.
# See
- /kaniko/executor --context=${CI_PROJECT_DIR} --dockerfile=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/qa/Dockerfile --destination=${QA_IMAGE} --cache=true
retry: 2
......@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ cache-repo:
- '[ -z "$CI_REPO_CACHE_CREDENTIALS" ] || gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=$CI_REPO_CACHE_CREDENTIALS'
# Enable shallow repo caching only if the $ENABLE_SHALLOW_REPO_CACHING variable exists
# Enable shallow repo caching unless the $DISABLE_SHALLOW_REPO_CACHING variable exists (in the case the shallow clone caching isn't working well)
# The `git repack` call works around a Git bug with shallow clones:
- if [ -n "$ENABLE_SHALLOW_REPO_CACHING" ]; then
cd .. && rm -rf $CI_PROJECT_NAME;
today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d);
year=$(date +%Y);
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ cache-repo:
[ -z "$CI_REPO_CACHE_CREDENTIALS" ] || (echo "Uploading /tmp/$SHALLOW_CLONE_TAR_FILENAME.gz to GCloud." && time gsutil cp /tmp/$SHALLOW_CLONE_TAR_FILENAME.gz gs://gitlab-ci-git-repo-cache/project-$CI_PROJECT_ID/$SHALLOW_CLONE_TAR_FILENAME.gz);
# By default, we want to cache the full repo, unless the $DISABLE_FULL_REPO_CACHING variable exists (in the case the shallow clone caching is working well)
- if [ -z "$DISABLE_FULL_REPO_CACHING" ]; then
# Disable the full repo caching unless the $DISABLE_SHALLOW_REPO_CACHING variable exists (in the case the shallow clone caching isn't working well)
cd .. && rm -rf $CI_PROJECT_NAME;
time git clone --progress $CI_REPOSITORY_URL $CI_PROJECT_NAME;
......@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ cloud-native-image:
- install_gitlab_gem
- CNG_PROJECT_PATH="gitlab-org/build/CNG" BUILD_TRIGGER_TOKEN=$CI_JOB_TOKEN ./scripts/trigger-build cng
- CNG_PROJECT_PATH="gitlab-org/build/CNG" ./scripts/trigger-build cng
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- prm
# For scheduling dast job
- .reports:schedule-dast
- .reports:rules:schedule-dast
resource_group: dast_scan
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- .default-retry
- .rails-cache
- .default-before_script
- .use-pg11
- .use-pg12
stage: test
needs: ["setup-test-env"]
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ run-dev-fixtures-ee:
- .run-dev-fixtures
- .dev-fixtures:rules:ee-only
- .use-pg11-ee
- .use-pg12-ee
- cp ee/db/fixtures/development/* $FIXTURE_PATH
- *run-dev-fixtures-script
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ docs-lint markdown:
- .default-retry
- .docs:rules:docs-lint
# When updating the image version here, update it in /scripts/ too.
image: ""
stage: test
needs: []
......@@ -52,9 +52,10 @@ docs-lint markdown:
docs-lint links:
- .default-retry
- .docs:rules:docs-lint
image: ""
# TODO: revert to .default-retry when is fixed.
retry: 2
stage: test
needs: []
......@@ -58,38 +58,34 @@ compile-test-assets as-if-foss:
- compile-production-assets
- .assets-compile-cache-push
- .shared:rules:update-cache
stage: prepare
artifacts: {} # This job's purpose is only to update the cache.
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
- compile-test-assets
- .assets-compile-cache-push
- .shared:rules:update-cache
stage: prepare
artifacts: {} # This job's purpose is only to update the cache.
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
- .default-retry
- .yarn-cache
- .yarn-cache-push
- .shared:rules:update-cache
stage: prepare
- *yarn-install
policy: push
- .default-retry
- .default-before_script
- .rails-cache
- .use-pg11
- .use-pg12
stage: fixtures
needs: ["setup-test-env", "retrieve-tests-metadata", "compile-test-assets"]
......@@ -121,7 +117,7 @@ rspec frontend_fixture as-if-foss:
rspec-ee frontend_fixture:
- .frontend-fixtures-base
- .frontend:rules:default-frontend-jobs
- .frontend:rules:default-frontend-jobs-ee
parallel: 2
......@@ -156,7 +152,7 @@ eslint-as-if-foss:
needs: []
- *yarn-install
- run_timed_command "yarn run eslint"
- run_timed_command "yarn run lint:eslint:all"
extends: .frontend-test-base
......@@ -169,8 +165,10 @@ karma:
- .karma-base
- .frontend:rules:default-frontend-jobs
# Don't use `needs` since `rspec-ee frontend_fixture` doesn't exist in `gitlab-foss` pipelines.
dependencies: ["rspec frontend_fixture", "rspec-ee frontend_fixture"]
- job: "rspec frontend_fixture"
- job: "rspec-ee frontend_fixture"
optional: true
coverage: '/^Statements *: (\d+\.\d+%)/'
name: coverage-javascript
......@@ -201,8 +199,10 @@ jest:
- .jest-base
- .frontend:rules:default-frontend-jobs
# Don't use `needs` since `rspec-ee frontend_fixture` doesn't exist in `gitlab-foss` pipelines.
dependencies: ["rspec frontend_fixture", "rspec-ee frontend_fixture"]
- job: "rspec frontend_fixture"
- job: "rspec-ee frontend_fixture"
optional: true
name: coverage-frontend
expire_in: 31d
......@@ -222,8 +222,11 @@ jest-integration:
- *yarn-install
- run_timed_command "yarn jest:integration --ci"
# Don't use `needs` since `rspec-ee frontend_fixture` doesn't exist in `gitlab-foss` pipelines.
dependencies: ["rspec frontend_fixture", "rspec-ee frontend_fixture", "graphql-schema-dump"]
- job: "rspec frontend_fixture"
- job: "rspec-ee frontend_fixture"
optional: true
- job: "graphql-schema-dump"
......@@ -16,75 +16,147 @@
- source scripts/
- source scripts/
.ruby-gems-cache: &ruby-gems-cache
key: "ruby-gems-v1"
- vendor/ruby/
policy: pull
.ruby-gems-cache-push: &ruby-gems-cache-push
<<: *ruby-gems-cache
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
.gitaly-ruby-gems-cache: &gitaly-ruby-gems-cache
key: "gitaly-ruby-gems-v1"
- vendor/gitaly-ruby/
policy: pull
.gitaly-ruby-gems-cache-push: &gitaly-ruby-gems-cache-push
<<: *gitaly-ruby-gems-cache
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
.go-pkg-cache: &go-pkg-cache
key: "go-pkg-v1"
- .go/pkg/mod/
policy: pull
.go-pkg-cache-push: &go-pkg-cache-push
<<: *go-pkg-cache
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
.node-modules-cache: &node-modules-cache
key: "node-modules-${NODE_ENV}-v1"
- node_modules/
- tmp/cache/webpack-dlls/
policy: pull
.node-modules-cache-push: &node-modules-cache-push
<<: *node-modules-cache
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
.assets-cache: &assets-cache
key: "assets-${NODE_ENV}-v1"
- assets-hash.txt
- public/assets/webpack/
- tmp/cache/assets/sprockets/
- tmp/cache/babel-loader/
- tmp/cache/vue-loader/
policy: pull
.assets-cache-push: &assets-cache-push
<<: *assets-cache
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
.rubocop-cache: &rubocop-cache
key: "rubocop-v1"
- tmp/rubocop_cache/
policy: pull
.rubocop-cache-push: &rubocop-cache-push
<<: *rubocop-cache
# We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up but RuboCop has a mechanism
# for keeping only the N latest cache files, so we take advantage of it with `pull-push`.
policy: pull-push
.qa-ruby-gems-cache: &qa-ruby-gems-cache
key: "qa-ruby-gems-v1"
- qa/vendor/ruby/
policy: pull
.qa-ruby-gems-cache-push: &qa-ruby-gems-cache-push
<<: *qa-ruby-gems-cache
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
key: "setup-test-env-v1"
- vendor/ruby/
- vendor/gitaly-ruby/
- .go/pkg/mod/
policy: pull
- *ruby-gems-cache
- *gitaly-ruby-gems-cache
- *go-pkg-cache
- *ruby-gems-cache-push
- *gitaly-ruby-gems-cache-push
- *go-pkg-cache-push
key: "rails-v5"
- vendor/ruby/
- vendor/gitaly-ruby/
policy: pull
- *ruby-gems-cache
- *gitaly-ruby-gems-cache
key: "static-analysis-v2"
- vendor/ruby/
- node_modules/
- tmp/rubocop_cache/
policy: pull
- *ruby-gems-cache
- *node-modules-cache
- *rubocop-cache
- *ruby-gems-cache # We don't push this cache as it's already rebuilt by `update-setup-test-env-cache`
- *rubocop-cache-push
key: "coverage-cache-v1"
- vendor/ruby/
policy: pull
- *ruby-gems-cache
key: "danger-review-v1"
- vendor/ruby/
- node_modules/
policy: pull
- *ruby-gems-cache
- *node-modules-cache
key: "qa-v2"
- qa/vendor/ruby/
policy: pull
- *qa-ruby-gems-cache
- *qa-ruby-gems-cache-push
key: "yarn-v1"
- node_modules/
- tmp/cache/webpack-dlls/
policy: pull
- *node-modules-cache
- *node-modules-cache-push
key: "assets-compile-${NODE_ENV}-v1"
- vendor/ruby/
- node_modules/
- assets-hash.txt
- public/assets/webpack/
- tmp/cache/assets/sprockets/
- tmp/cache/babel-loader/
- tmp/cache/vue-loader/
- tmp/cache/webpack-dlls/
policy: pull
- *ruby-gems-cache
- *node-modules-cache
- *assets-cache
- *ruby-gems-cache # We don't push this cache as it's already rebuilt by `update-setup-test-env-cache`
- *node-modules-cache-push
- *assets-cache-push
image: ""
......@@ -128,7 +200,7 @@
entrypoint: [""]
- source scripts/
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ memory-static:
- .only-code-memory-job-base
- .use-pg11
- .use-pg12
stage: test
needs: ["setup-test-env", "compile-test-assets"]
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ pages:
- .default-retry
- .pages:rules
stage: pages
- rspec:coverage
- coverage-frontend
- karma
......@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
- .qa-cache
stage: test
needs: []
SETUP_DB: "false"
- '[ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb'
- !reference [.default-before_script, before_script]
- cd qa/
- bundle install --clean --jobs=$(nproc) --path=vendor --retry=3 --without=development --quiet
- bundle check
- bundle_install_script
......@@ -39,12 +41,11 @@ qa:selectors-as-if-foss:
- .qa-job-base
- .qa-cache-push
- .shared:rules:update-cache
stage: prepare
- echo "Cache has been updated and ready to be uploaded."
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
image: ${GITLAB_DEPENDENCY_PROXY}ruby:2.7-alpine
This diff is collapsed.
# include:
# - template: Jobs/Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
# - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
# - template: Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
# - template: Security/DAST.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Jobs/Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Security/License-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
# We need to duplicate this job's definition because the rules
# defined in the extended jobs rely on local YAML anchors
# (`*if-default-refs`)
- .default-retry
- .reports:rules:code_quality
- .use-docker-in-docker
stage: test
needs: []
- |
if ! docker info &>/dev/null; then
if [ -z "$DOCKER_HOST" -a "$KUBERNETES_PORT" ]; then
export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://localhost:2375'
- docker pull --quiet "$CODE_QUALITY_IMAGE"
- docker run
--volume "$PWD":/code
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
codequality: gl-code-quality-report.json
- gl-code-quality-report.json # GitLab-specific
expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:code_quality", rules]
# We need to duplicate this job's definition because the rules
# defined in the extended jobs rely on local YAML anchors
# (`*if-default-refs`)
# We need to re-`extends` from `sast` as the `extends` here overrides the one from the template.
- .default-retry
- .reports:rules:sast
stage: test
# `needs: []` starts the job immediately in the pipeline
- sast
needs: []
- gl-sast-report.json # GitLab-specific
sast: gl-sast-report.json
expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific
SAST_BRAKEMAN_LEVEL: 2 # GitLab-specific
SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: qa,spec,doc,ee/spec,config/gitlab.yml.example # GitLab-specific
SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: "qa, spec, doc, ee/spec, config/gitlab.yml.example, tmp" # GitLab-specific
- /analyzer run
extends: .sast
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:sast", rules]
extends: .sast
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:sast", rules]
extends: .sast
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:sast", rules]
extends: .sast
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:sast", rules]
extends: .default-retry
needs: []
- gl-secret-detection-report.json # GitLab-specific
sast: gl-secret-detection-report.json
expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific
# We need to duplicate this job's definition because the rules
# defined in the extended jobs rely on local YAML anchors
# (`*if-default-refs`)
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:secret_detection", rules]
# We need to re-`extends` from `dependency_scanning` as the `extends` here overrides the one from the template.
- .default-retry
- .reports:rules:dependency_scanning
stage: test
- dependency_scanning
needs: []
DS_EXCLUDED_PATHS: "qa/qa/ee/fixtures/secure_premade_reports, spec, ee/spec" # GitLab-specific
DS_EXCLUDED_PATHS: "qa/qa/ee/fixtures/secure_premade_reports, spec, ee/spec, tmp" # GitLab-specific
- gl-dependency-scanning-report.json # GitLab-specific
dependency_scanning: gl-dependency-scanning-report.json
expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific
- /analyzer run
dependency_scanning gemnasium:
extends: .dependency_scanning
# git-lfs is needed for auto-remediation
- apk add git-lfs
......@@ -123,56 +74,43 @@ dependency_scanning gemnasium:
- apk add jq
# Lower execa severity based on
- jq '(.vulnerabilities[] | select (.cve == "yarn.lock:execa:gemnasium:05cfa2e8-2d0c-42c1-8894-638e2f12ff3d")).severity = "Medium"' gl-dependency-scanning-report.json > temp.json && mv temp.json gl-dependency-scanning-report.json
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:dependency_scanning", rules]
dependency_scanning bundler-audit:
extends: .dependency_scanning
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:dependency_scanning", rules]
dependency_scanning retire-js:
extends: .dependency_scanning
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:dependency_scanning", rules]
dependency_scanning gemnasium-python:
extends: .dependency_scanning
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:dependency_scanning", rules]
# Analyze dependencies for malicious behavior
# See
- .reports:schedule-dast
- .default-retry
- .reports:rules:package_hunter
stage: test
entrypoint: [""]
needs: []
allow_failure: true
- rm -r spec locale .git app/assets/images doc/
- cd .. && tar -I "gzip --best" -cf gitlab.tgz gitlab/
- DEBUG=* HTR_user=$PACKAGE_HUNTER_USER HTR_pass=$PACKAGE_HUNTER_PASS node /usr/src/app/cli.js analyze --format gitlab gitlab.tgz | tee $CI_PROJECT_DIR/gl-dependency-scanning-report.json
- gl-dependency-scanning-report.json # GitLab-specific
- gl-dependency-scanning-report.json
dependency_scanning: gl-dependency-scanning-report.json
expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific
expire_in: 1 week
- .default-retry
- .reports:rules:license_scanning
stage: test
name: ""
entrypoint: [""]
extends: .default-retry
needs: []
- / analyze .
license_scanning: gl-license-scanning-report.json
expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific
dependencies: []
rules: !reference [".reports:rules:license_scanning", rules]
......@@ -34,10 +34,7 @@ review-build-cng:
- job: compile-production-assets
artifacts: false
# When the job is manual, review-deploy is also manual and we don't want people
# to have to manually start the jobs in sequence, so we do it for them.
- '[ -z $CI_JOB_MANUAL ] || scripts/api/play_job.rb --job-name "review-deploy"'
- ./scripts/trigger-build cng
......@@ -45,7 +42,6 @@ review-build-cng:
REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN: "" # FIXME: using temporary domain
......@@ -59,7 +55,7 @@ review-deploy:
- .review-workflow-base
- .review:rules:review-deploy
stage: review
dependencies: []
needs: ["review-build-cng"]
resource_group: "review/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}"
......@@ -75,10 +71,6 @@ review-deploy:
- date
- deploy || (display_deployment_debug && exit 1)
- disable_sign_ups || (delete_release && exit 1)
# When the job is manual, review-qa-smoke is also manual and we don't want people
# to have to manually start the jobs in sequence, so we do it for them.
- '[ -z $CI_JOB_MANUAL ] || scripts/api/play_job.rb --job-name "review-qa-smoke"'
- '[ -z $CI_JOB_MANUAL ] || scripts/api/play_job.rb --job-name "review-performance"'
# Run only when DAST_RUN is set to true. This is to pupulate review app with data for DAST scan.
# Set DAST_RUN to true when jobs are manually scheduled.
......@@ -123,9 +115,7 @@ review-stop:
- .use-docker-in-docker
stage: qa
# This is needed so that manual jobs with needs don't block the pipeline.
# See
dependencies: ["review-deploy"]
needs: ["review-deploy"]
......@@ -175,9 +165,7 @@ review-performance:
name: sitespeedio/
entrypoint: [""]
stage: qa
# This is needed so that manual jobs with needs don't block the pipeline.
# See
dependencies: ["review-deploy"]
needs: ["review-deploy"]
- export CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL="$(cat environment_url.txt)"
......@@ -200,7 +188,7 @@ parallel-spec-reports:
- .review:rules:review-qa-all
image: ${GITLAB_DEPENDENCY_PROXY}ruby:2.7-alpine
stage: post-qa
dependencies: ["review-qa-all"]
needs: ["review-qa-all"]
NEW_PARALLEL_SPECS_REPORT: qa/report-new.html
BASE_ARTIFACT_URL: "${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/file/qa/"
......@@ -229,8 +217,8 @@ danger-review:
stage: test
needs: []
- source ./scripts/
- run_timed_command "bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet --with danger"
- source scripts/
- bundle_install_script "--with danger"
- run_timed_command "retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile"
- >
......@@ -242,12 +230,3 @@ danger-review:
run_timed_command "bundle exec danger --fail-on-errors=true --verbose"
- danger-review
- .shared:rules:update-cache
stage: prepare
script: echo 'Cache is fresh!'
policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up.
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
.docs-patterns: &docs-patterns
- ".gitlab/route-map.yml"
- "doc/**/*"
- ".markdownlint.json"
- ".markdownlint.yml"
- "scripts/"
.frontend-dependency-patterns: &frontend-dependency-patterns
......@@ -424,6 +424,13 @@
- <<: *if-default-refs
changes: *code-backstage-patterns
- <<: *if-not-ee
when: never
- <<: *if-default-refs
changes: *code-backstage-patterns
- <<: *if-not-ee
......@@ -518,6 +525,8 @@
- <<: *if-not-ee
when: never
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request
changes: *ci-qa-patterns
allow_failure: true
......@@ -929,6 +938,25 @@
- <<: *if-merge-request
changes: [".gitlab/ci/rails.gitlab-ci.yml"]
# Static analysis rules #
- changes: *code-backstage-qa-patterns
- <<: *if-not-ee
when: never
- <<: *if-merge-request-title-as-if-foss
changes: *code-backstage-qa-patterns
- <<: *if-security-merge-request
changes: *code-backstage-qa-patterns
- <<: *if-merge-request
changes: *ci-patterns
# Vendored gems rules #
......@@ -975,6 +1003,16 @@
changes: *code-backstage-qa-patterns
allow_failure: true
when: never
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' # The Secret-Detection template already has a `secret_detection_default_branch` job
when: never
# - <<: *if-default-branch-refs # To be done in a later iteration:
- changes: *code-backstage-qa-patterns
allow_failure: true
- if: '$DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_DISABLED || $GITLAB_FEATURES !~ /\bdependency_scanning\b/'
......@@ -996,13 +1034,19 @@
when: manual
allow_failure: true
- if: '$DAST_DISABLED || $GITLAB_FEATURES !~ /\bdast\b/'
when: never
- <<: *if-default-branch-schedule-nightly
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-default-branch-schedule-2-hourly
- <<: *if-merge-request
changes: ["yarn.lock"]
- if: '$LICENSE_SCANNING_DISABLED || $GITLAB_FEATURES !~ /\blicense_scanning\b/'
......@@ -1042,7 +1086,6 @@
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
changes: *code-patterns
when: manual
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
changes: *qa-patterns
......@@ -1063,7 +1106,6 @@
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
changes: *code-qa-patterns
when: manual
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-schedule
allow_failure: true
......@@ -1086,7 +1128,6 @@
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
changes: *code-qa-patterns
when: manual
allow_failure: true
......@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ update-tests-metadata:
stage: post-test
- setup-test-env
- rspec migration pg11
- rspec migration pg12
- rspec frontend_fixture
- rspec-ee frontend_fixture
- rspec unit pg11
- rspec integration pg11
- rspec system pg11
- rspec-ee migration pg11
- rspec-ee unit pg11
- rspec-ee integration pg11
- rspec-ee system pg11
- rspec-ee unit pg11 geo
- rspec-ee integration pg11 geo
- rspec-ee system pg11 geo
- rspec unit pg12
- rspec integration pg12
- rspec system pg12
- rspec-ee migration pg12
- rspec-ee unit pg12
- rspec-ee integration pg12
- rspec-ee system pg12
- rspec-ee unit pg12 geo
- rspec-ee integration pg12 geo
- rspec-ee system pg12 geo
- run_timed_command "retry gem install fog-aws mime-types activesupport rspec_profiling postgres-copy --no-document"
- source ./scripts/
<!-- Audit Event documentation: See -->
## Audit need
<!-- Describe the real-world use case for the audit event you want to introduce, and explain the closest thing that GitLab already captures. -->
## Proposal
<!-- Describe the audit event you are proposing should be added, including any details of what should be captured, how, and why. -->
/label ~"Category:Audit Events"
/label ~"feature"
/label ~"group::compliance"
<!-- This template is a great use for issues that are feature::additions or technical tasks for larger issues.-->
### Proposal
<!-- Use this section to explain the feature and how it will work. It can be helpful to add technical details, design proposals, and links to related epics or issues. -->
<!-- Consider adding related issues and epics to this issue. You can also reference the Feature Proposal Template ( for additional details to consider adding to this issue. Additionally, as a data oriented organization, when your feature exits planning breakdown, consider adding the `What does success look like, and how can we measure that?` section.
/label ~"group::" ~"section::" ~"Category::" ~"GitLab Core"/~"GitLab Premium"/~"GitLab Ultimate"
## Experiment summary
We believe that... {describe your hypothesis in one sentence}
To verify that, we will... {describe your test in one sentence}
And we’ll measure the impact on... {metrics}
## Hypothesis
<!-- The hypothesis represents the high-level thought process in creating the experiment but does not need to be proven in one experiment. For example, you could have a hypothesis that “users would benefit from more easily being able to start a trial” and your first experiment could fail, that doesn’t void your hypothesis only indicates you may need to think of a new iterative experiment that would still align with your hypothesis. -->
## Business problem
<!-- Where the hypothesis is focused on the user/customer, the business problem represents why/how an experiment in this area could positively impact the business. For example, trials represent a significant way for GitLab to produce valuable leads for the sales team. -->
## Supporting data
<!-- Why should we run this experiment? What’s the potential impact? Show supporting data that’s both qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative example, we generate 30,000 sign ups a month and 900 trails within 90 days (3%) with a close rate of 10% and an IACV of $400. If we’re able to increase our trial volume by 10% percent (990 trials a month) we will generate an additional $3,600 IACV if our close rates remain constant. Qualitative example, in searching Zendesk I was able to find 10 support tickets in the last 30 days that referenced difficulties with starting a trial due to the user not being an admin. (all numbers are hypothetical and only listed for the purpose of having an example) -->
## Expected outcome
<!-- What is the expected outcome of this experiment, what metric are we trying to move? Are there any metrics we know we do not want to impact? For example, we want to impact IACV by increasing the rate at which users start trials within 30 days but we also want to ensure we don't increase the churn rate for users who've recently purchased. -->
## Experiment design & implementation
<!-- What is the experiment we’re going to run? How long do you believe it will need to run to reach significance? For example, our experiment would be to allow non-admins to request a trial through their admin, to detect a 10% change from our baseline conversion rate we’ll need a sample size of 57,000 (source Optimizely), with our current sign up rate of 30,000 a month this experiment will need to run for ~2 months. (all numbers are hypothetical and only listed for the purpose of having an example) -->
## ICE score
<!-- See -->
| Impact | Confidence | Ease | Score |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| value 1 | value 2 | value 3 | Average(1:3) |
## Known assumptions
<!-- This is an area to call out known assumptions in the experiment, this is especially helpful for any future colleagues that join the team so they understand other potential influences and how they were accounted for. This section is also helpful in framing possible scenarios and to keep the door open for the next steps. For example, we’re hoping our experiment will increase the number of people that start a trial but we’re assuming the conversion rate to paid and IACV will remain the same. This is a known assumption and depending on the results of the experiment could impact the direction we take on any future iterations. -->
## Results, lessons learned, next steps
<!-- What were the results of the experiment? Was the experiment a success or a failure? Based on the results should we remove the code or advocate that it become a permanent part of the experience for all users? Are there future experiments the team is going to run based off these results (include a link to new issue)? For example, our trial experiment was successful we increased the trial create rate by 10% but we saw a 1% drop in our close rate which means our net impact on IACV was negative $360 (990 * 0.09 * 400 compared tot he control of 900 * 0.1 * 400). Our next experiment (link) will focus on increasing the value once a user starts a trial. (all numbers are hypothetical and only listed for the purpose of having an example) -->
## Checklist
* [ ] Fill in the experiment summary and write more about the details of the experiment in the rest of the issue description. Some of these may be filled in through time (the "Result, learnings, next steps" section for example) but at least the experiment summary should be filled in right from the start.
* [ ] Add the label of the `group::` that will work on this experiment (if known).
* [ ] Mention the Product Manager, Engineering Manager, and at least one Product Designer from the group that owns the part of the product that the experiment will affect.
* [ ] Fill in the values in the [ICE score table](#ice-score) ping other team members for the values you aren’t confident about (i.e. engineering should almost always fill out the ease section). Add the ~"ICE Score Needed" label to indicate that the score is incomplete.
* [ ] Replace the ~"ICE Score Needed" with an ICE low/medium/high score label once all values in the ICE table have been added.
* [ ] Mention the [at]gitlab-core-team team and ask for their feedback.
/label ~"workflow::validation backlog" ~"experiment idea"
<!-- Title suggestion: [Feature flag] Remove FEATURE_FLAG_NAME -->
## Feature
The `:feature_name` feature flag was previously [enabled by default](URL) and should be removed.
## Owners
- Group: ~"group::GROUP_NAME"
- Slack channel: `#g_GROUP_NAME`
This is an __important__ phase, that should be either done in the next Milestone or as soon as possible. For the cleanup phase, please follow our documentation on how to [clean up the feature flag](
- [ ] Remove `:feature_name` feature flag
- [ ] Remove all references to the feature flag from the codebase
- [ ] Remove the YAML definitions for the feature from the repository
- [ ] Create a Changelog Entry
- [ ] Clean up the feature flag from all environments by running this chatops command in `#production` channel `/chatops run feature delete some_feature`.
- [ ] Close this issue after the feature flag is removed from the codebase.
/label ~"feature flag" ~"technical debt"
/assign DRI
<!-- This template is a great use for issues that are feature::additions or technical tasks for larger issues.-->
### Proposal
<!-- Use this section to explain the feature and how it will work. It can be helpful to add technical details, design proposals, and links to related epics or issues. -->
<!-- Consider adding related issues and epics to this issue. You can also reference the Feature Proposal Template ( for additional details to consider adding to this issue. Additionally, as a data oriented organization, when your feature exits planning breakdown, consider adding the `What does success look like, and how can we measure that?` section.
/label ~"group::" ~"section::" ~"Category::" ~"GitLab Core"/~"GitLab Premium"/~"GitLab Ultimate"
<!-- This issue template can be used a great starting point for feature requests. The last section "Release notes" can be used as a summary of the feature and is also required if you want to have your release post blog MR auto generated using the release post item generator: The remaining sections are the backbone for every feature in GitLab. -->
### Release notes
<!-- What is the problem and solution you're proposing? This content sets the overall vision for the feature and serves as the release notes that will populate in various places, including the [release post blog]( and [Gitlab project releases]( " -->
### Problem to solve
<!-- What is the user problem you are trying to solve with this issue? -->
### Proposal
<!-- Use this section to explain the feature and how it will work. It can be helpful to add technical details, design proposals, and links to related epics or issues. -->
/label ~"feature" ~"group::" ~"section::" ~"Category::" ~"GitLab Free"/~"GitLab Premium"/~"GitLab Ultimate"
<!--- Use the following resources to find the appropriate labels:
Consider adding related issues and epics to this issue. You can also reference the Feature Proposal Template ( for additional details to consider adding to this issue. Additionally, as a data oriented organization, when your feature exits planning breakdown, consider adding the `What does success look like, and how can we measure that?` section.
Other sections to consider adding:
### Intended users
Who will use this feature? If known, include any of the following: types of users (e.g. Developer), personas, or specific company roles (e.g. Release Manager). It's okay to write "Unknown" and fill this field in later.
Personas are described at
* [Cameron (Compliance Manager)](
* [Parker (Product Manager)](
* [Delaney (Development Team Lead)](
* [Presley (Product Designer)](
* [Sasha (Software Developer)](
* [Devon (DevOps Engineer)](
* [Sidney (Systems Administrator)](
* [Sam (Security Analyst)](
* [Rachel (Release Manager)](
* [Alex (Security Operations Engineer)](
* [Simone (Software Engineer in Test)](
* [Allison (Application Ops)](
* [Priyanka (Platform Engineer)](
* [Dana (Data Analyst)](
### User experience goal
What is the single user experience workflow this problem addresses?
For example, "The user should be able to use the UI/API/.gitlab-ci.yml with GitLab to <perform a specific task>"
### Further details
Include use cases, benefits, goals, or any other details that will help us understand the problem better.
### Permissions and Security
<!-- What permissions are required to perform the described actions? Are they consistent with the existing permissions as documented for users, groups, and projects as appropriate? Is the proposed behavior consistent between the UI, API, and other access methods (e.g. email replies)?
Consider adding checkboxes and expectations of users with certain levels of membership
* [ ] Add expected impact to members with no access (0)
* [ ] Add expected impact to Guest (10) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Reporter (20) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Developer (30) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Maintainer (40) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Owner (50) members
### Documentation
See the Feature Change Documentation Workflow
* Add all known Documentation Requirements in this section. See
* If this feature requires changing permissions, update the permissions document. See
### Availability & Testing
This section needs to be retained and filled in during the workflow planning breakdown phase of this feature proposal, if not earlier.
What risks does this change pose to our availability? How might it affect the quality of the product? What additional test coverage or changes to tests will be needed? Will it require cross-browser testing?
Please list the test areas (unit, integration and end-to-end) that needs to be added or updated to ensure that this feature will work as intended. Please use the list below as guidance.
* Unit test changes
* Integration test changes
* End-to-end test change
See the test engineering planning process and reach out to your counterpart Software Engineer in Test for assistance:
### What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Define both the success metrics and acceptance criteria. Note that success metrics indicate the desired business outcomes, while acceptance criteria indicate when the solution is working correctly. If there is no way to measure success, link to an issue that will implement a way to measure this.
### What is the type of buyer?
What is the buyer persona for this feature? See
In which enterprise tier should this feature go? See
### Is this a cross-stage feature?
Communicate if this change will affect multiple Stage Groups or product areas. We recommend always start with the assumption that a feature request will have an impact into another Group. Loop in the most relevant PM and Product Designer from that Group to provide strategic support to help align the Group's broader plan and vision, as well as to avoid UX and technical debt. -->
/label ~documentation
/label ~direction
<!-- The first section "Release notes" is required if you want to have your release post blog MR auto generated. Currently in BETA, details on the **release post item generator** can be found in the handbook: and this video: The next four sections: "Problem to solve", "Intended users", "User experience goal", and "Proposal", are strongly recommended in your first draft, while the rest of the sections can be filled out during the problem validation or breakdown phase. However, keep in mind that providing complete and relevant information early helps our product team validate the problem and start working on a solution. -->
### Release notes
<!-- What is the problem and solution you're proposing? This content sets the overall vision for the feature and serves as the release notes that will populate in various places, including the [release post blog]( and [Gitlab project releases]( " -->
### Problem to solve
<!-- What problem do we solve? Try to define the who/what/why of the opportunity as a user story. For example, "As a (who), I want (what), so I can (why/value)." -->
### Intended users
<!-- Who will use this feature? If known, include any of the following: types of users (e.g. Developer), personas, or specific company roles (e.g. Release Manager). It's okay to write "Unknown" and fill this field in later.
Personas are described at
* [Cameron (Compliance Manager)](
* [Parker (Product Manager)](
* [Delaney (Development Team Lead)](
* [Presley (Product Designer)](
* [Sasha (Software Developer)](
* [Devon (DevOps Engineer)](
* [Sidney (Systems Administrator)](
* [Sam (Security Analyst)](
* [Rachel (Release Manager)](
* [Alex (Security Operations Engineer)](
* [Simone (Software Engineer in Test)](
* [Allison (Application Ops)](
* [Priyanka (Platform Engineer)](
* [Dana (Data Analyst)](
* [Eddie (Content Editor)](
### User experience goal
<!-- What is the single user experience workflow this problem addresses?
For example, "The user should be able to use the UI/API/.gitlab-ci.yml with GitLab to <perform a specific task>" -->
### Proposal
<!-- How are we going to solve the problem? Try to include the user journey! -->
### Further details
<!-- Include use cases, benefits, goals, or any other details that will help us understand the problem better. -->
### Permissions and Security
<!-- What permissions are required to perform the described actions? Are they consistent with the existing permissions as documented for users, groups, and projects as appropriate? Is the proposed behavior consistent between the UI, API, and other access methods (e.g. email replies)?
Consider adding checkboxes and expectations of users with certain levels of membership
* [ ] Add expected impact to members with no access (0)
* [ ] Add expected impact to Guest (10) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Reporter (20) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Developer (30) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Maintainer (40) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Owner (50) members -->
### Documentation
<!-- See the Feature Change Documentation Workflow
* Add all known Documentation Requirements in this section. See
* If this feature requires changing permissions, update the permissions document. See -->
### Availability & Testing
<!-- This section needs to be retained and filled in during the workflow planning breakdown phase of this feature proposal, if not earlier.
What risks does this change pose to our availability? How might it affect the quality of the product? What additional test coverage or changes to tests will be needed? Will it require cross-browser testing?
Please list the test areas (unit, integration and end-to-end) that needs to be added or updated to ensure that this feature will work as intended. Please use the list below as guidance.
* Unit test changes
* Integration test changes
* End-to-end test change
See the test engineering planning process and reach out to your counterpart Software Engineer in Test for assistance: -->
### Available Tier
<!-- This section should be used for setting the appropriate tier that this feature will belong to. Pricing can be found here:
* Free
* Premium/Silver
* Ultimate/Gold
### What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Define both the success metrics and acceptance criteria. Note that success metrics indicate the desired business outcomes, while acceptance criteria indicate when the solution is working correctly. If there is no way to measure success, link to an issue that will implement a way to measure this.
Create tracking issue using the the Snowplow event tracking template. See
### What is the type of buyer?
<!-- What is the buyer persona for this feature? See
In which enterprise tier should this feature go? See -->
### Is this a cross-stage feature?
<!-- Communicate if this change will affect multiple Stage Groups or product areas. We recommend always start with the assumption that a feature request will have an impact into another Group. Loop in the most relevant PM and Product Designer from that Group to provide strategic support to help align the Group's broader plan and vision, as well as to avoid UX and technical debt. -->
### Links / references
<!-- Label reminders - you should have one of each of the following labels.
Use the following resources to find the appropriate labels:
/label ~devops:: ~group: ~Category:
/label ~"GitLab Free"/~"GitLab Premium"/~"GitLab Ultimate"
/label ~feature
/label ~documentation
/label ~direction
<!-- The first section "Release notes" is required if you want to have your release post blog MR auto generated. Currently in BETA, details on the **release post item generator** can be found in the handbook: and this video: The next four sections: "Problem to solve", "Intended users", "User experience goal", and "Proposal", are strongly recommended in your first draft, while the rest of the sections can be filled out during the problem validation or breakdown phase. However, keep in mind that providing complete and relevant information early helps our product team validate the problem and start working on a solution. -->
### Release notes
<!-- What is the problem and solution you're proposing? This content sets the overall vision for the feature and serves as the release notes that will populate in various places, including the [release post blog]( and [Gitlab project releases]( " -->
### Problem to solve
<!-- What problem do we solve? Try to define the who/what/why of the opportunity as a user story. For example, "As a (who), I want (what), so I can (why/value)." -->
### Intended users
<!-- Who will use this feature? If known, include any of the following: types of users (e.g. Developer), personas, or specific company roles (e.g. Release Manager). It's okay to write "Unknown" and fill this field in later.
Personas are described at
* [Cameron (Compliance Manager)](
* [Parker (Product Manager)](
* [Delaney (Development Team Lead)](
* [Presley (Product Designer)](
* [Sasha (Software Developer)](
* [Devon (DevOps Engineer)](
* [Sidney (Systems Administrator)](
* [Sam (Security Analyst)](
* [Rachel (Release Manager)](
* [Alex (Security Operations Engineer)](
* [Simone (Software Engineer in Test)](
* [Allison (Application Ops)](
* [Priyanka (Platform Engineer)](
* [Dana (Data Analyst)](
* [Eddie (Content Editor)](
### User experience goal
<!-- What is the single user experience workflow this problem addresses?
For example, "The user should be able to use the UI/API/.gitlab-ci.yml with GitLab to <perform a specific task>" -->
### Proposal
<!-- How are we going to solve the problem? Try to include the user journey! -->
### Further details
<!-- Include use cases, benefits, goals, or any other details that will help us understand the problem better. -->
### Permissions and Security
<!-- What permissions are required to perform the described actions? Are they consistent with the existing permissions as documented for users, groups, and projects as appropriate? Is the proposed behavior consistent between the UI, API, and other access methods (e.g. email replies)?
Consider adding checkboxes and expectations of users with certain levels of membership
* [ ] Add expected impact to members with no access (0)
* [ ] Add expected impact to Guest (10) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Reporter (20) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Developer (30) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Maintainer (40) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Owner (50) members -->
### Documentation
<!-- See the Feature Change Documentation Workflow
* Add all known Documentation Requirements in this section. See
* If this feature requires changing permissions, update the permissions document. See -->
### Availability & Testing
<!-- This section needs to be retained and filled in during the workflow planning breakdown phase of this feature proposal, if not earlier.
What risks does this change pose to our availability? How might it affect the quality of the product? What additional test coverage or changes to tests will be needed? Will it require cross-browser testing?
Please list the test areas (unit, integration and end-to-end) that needs to be added or updated to ensure that this feature will work as intended. Please use the list below as guidance.
* Unit test changes
* Integration test changes
* End-to-end test change
See the test engineering planning process and reach out to your counterpart Software Engineer in Test for assistance: -->
### Available Tier
<!-- This section should be used for setting the appropriate tier that this feature will belong to. Pricing can be found here:
* Free
* Premium/Silver
* Ultimate/Gold
### What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Define both the success metrics and acceptance criteria. Note that success metrics indicate the desired business outcomes, while acceptance criteria indicate when the solution is working correctly. If there is no way to measure success, link to an issue that will implement a way to measure this.
Create tracking issue using the the Snowplow event tracking template. See
### What is the type of buyer?
<!-- What is the buyer persona for this feature? See
In which enterprise tier should this feature go? See -->
### Is this a cross-stage feature?
<!-- Communicate if this change will affect multiple Stage Groups or product areas. We recommend always start with the assumption that a feature request will have an impact into another Group. Loop in the most relevant PM and Product Designer from that Group to provide strategic support to help align the Group's broader plan and vision, as well as to avoid UX and technical debt. -->
### Links / references
<!-- Label reminders - you should have one of each of the following labels.
Use the following resources to find the appropriate labels:
/label ~devops:: ~group: ~Category:
/label ~"GitLab Core"/~"GitLab Premium"/~"GitLab Ultimate"
/label ~feature
/label ~documentation
/label ~direction
This diff is collapsed.
<!-- This issue template can be used a great starting point for feature requests. The last section "Release notes" can be used as a summary of the feature and is also required if you want to have your release post blog MR auto generated using the release post item generator: The remaining sections are the backbone for every feature in GitLab. -->
### Release notes
<!-- What is the problem and solution you're proposing? This content sets the overall vision for the feature and serves as the release notes that will populate in various places, including the [release post blog]( and [Gitlab project releases]( " -->
### Problem to solve
<!-- What is the user problem you are trying to solve with this issue? -->
### Proposal
<!-- Use this section to explain the feature and how it will work. It can be helpful to add technical details, design proposals, and links to related epics or issues. -->
/label ~"feature" ~"group::" ~"section::" ~"Category::" ~"GitLab Core"/~"GitLab Premium"/~"GitLab Ultimate"
<!--- Use the following resources to find the appropriate labels:
Consider adding related issues and epics to this issue. You can also reference the Feature Proposal Template ( for additional details to consider adding to this issue. Additionally, as a data oriented organization, when your feature exits planning breakdown, consider adding the `What does success look like, and how can we measure that?` section.
Other sections to consider adding:
### Intended users
Who will use this feature? If known, include any of the following: types of users (e.g. Developer), personas, or specific company roles (e.g. Release Manager). It's okay to write "Unknown" and fill this field in later.
Personas are described at
* [Cameron (Compliance Manager)](
* [Parker (Product Manager)](
* [Delaney (Development Team Lead)](
* [Presley (Product Designer)](
* [Sasha (Software Developer)](
* [Devon (DevOps Engineer)](
* [Sidney (Systems Administrator)](
* [Sam (Security Analyst)](
* [Rachel (Release Manager)](
* [Alex (Security Operations Engineer)](
* [Simone (Software Engineer in Test)](
* [Allison (Application Ops)](
* [Priyanka (Platform Engineer)](
* [Dana (Data Analyst)](
### User experience goal
What is the single user experience workflow this problem addresses?
For example, "The user should be able to use the UI/API/.gitlab-ci.yml with GitLab to <perform a specific task>"
### Further details
Include use cases, benefits, goals, or any other details that will help us understand the problem better.
### Permissions and Security
<!-- What permissions are required to perform the described actions? Are they consistent with the existing permissions as documented for users, groups, and projects as appropriate? Is the proposed behavior consistent between the UI, API, and other access methods (e.g. email replies)?
Consider adding checkboxes and expectations of users with certain levels of membership
* [ ] Add expected impact to members with no access (0)
* [ ] Add expected impact to Guest (10) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Reporter (20) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Developer (30) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Maintainer (40) members
* [ ] Add expected impact to Owner (50) members
### Documentation
See the Feature Change Documentation Workflow
* Add all known Documentation Requirements in this section. See
* If this feature requires changing permissions, update the permissions document. See
### Availability & Testing
This section needs to be retained and filled in during the workflow planning breakdown phase of this feature proposal, if not earlier.
What risks does this change pose to our availability? How might it affect the quality of the product? What additional test coverage or changes to tests will be needed? Will it require cross-browser testing?
Please list the test areas (unit, integration and end-to-end) that needs to be added or updated to ensure that this feature will work as intended. Please use the list below as guidance.
* Unit test changes
* Integration test changes
* End-to-end test change
See the test engineering planning process and reach out to your counterpart Software Engineer in Test for assistance:
### What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Define both the success metrics and acceptance criteria. Note that success metrics indicate the desired business outcomes, while acceptance criteria indicate when the solution is working correctly. If there is no way to measure success, link to an issue that will implement a way to measure this.
### What is the type of buyer?
What is the buyer persona for this feature? See
In which enterprise tier should this feature go? See
### Is this a cross-stage feature?
Communicate if this change will affect multiple Stage Groups or product areas. We recommend always start with the assumption that a feature request will have an impact into another Group. Loop in the most relevant PM and Product Designer from that Group to provide strategic support to help align the Group's broader plan and vision, as well as to avoid UX and technical debt. -->
/label ~documentation
/label ~direction
......@@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
- ~"development guidelines" when changing docs under `doc/development/*`, ``, or ``.
- ~"development guidelines" and ~"Documentation guidelines" when changing docs under `development/documentation/*`.
- ~"development guidelines" and ~"Description templates (.gitlab/\*)" when creating/updating issue and MR description templates.
- [ ] Assign the [designated Technical Writer](
- [ ] [Request a review](
from the [designated Technical Writer](
/label ~documentation
/assign me
Do not add the ~"feature", ~"frontend", ~"backend", ~"bug", or ~"database" labels if you are only updating documentation. These labels will cause the MR to be added to code verification QA issues.
......@@ -68,5 +72,3 @@ For more information, see our documentation on [Merging a merge request](https:/
1. [ ] Review by assigned maintainer, who can always request/require the above reviews. Maintainer's review can occur before or after a technical writer review.
1. [ ] Ensure a release milestone is set.
1. [ ] If there has not been a technical writer review, [create an issue for one using the Doc Review template](
/label ~documentation
......@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ Please link to the respective test case in the testcases project
- [ ] Ensure that no [transient bugs]( are hidden accidentally due to the usage of `waits` and `reloads`.
- [ ] Verify the tags to ensure it runs on the desired test environments.
- [ ] If this MR has a dependency on another MR, such as a GitLab QA MR, specify the order in which the MRs should be merged.
- [ ] (If applicable) Create a follow-up issue to document [the special setup]( necessary to run the test: ISSUE_LINK
- [ ] (If applicable) Create a follow-up issue to document [the special setup]( necessary to run the test: ISSUE_LINK
- [ ] If the test requires an admin's personal access token, ensure that the test passes on your local with and without the `GITLAB_QA_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN` provided.
<!-- Base labels. -->
/label ~"Quality" ~"QA" ~test
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ tasks:
- init: |
echo "$(date) – Copying GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
rm -r /workspace/.rvm
mv $HOME/.rvm-workspace /workspace/.rvm
cp -r $HOME/gitlab-development-kit /workspace/
set -e
......@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ linters:
- Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause
- Layout/LeadingCommentSpace
- Layout/SpaceAroundOperators
- Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces
- Layout/SpaceBeforeComma
- Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg
- Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces
......@@ -118,7 +117,6 @@ linters:
- Layout/TrailingEmptyLines
- Lint/LiteralInInterpolation
- Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression
- Lint/RedundantWithIndex
- Lint/SafeNavigationConsistency
- Metrics/BlockNesting
- Naming/VariableName
......@@ -133,7 +131,6 @@ linters:
- Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches
- Style/NegatedIf
- Style/NestedTernaryOperator
- Style/ParenthesesAroundCondition
- Style/SelfAssignment
- Style/TernaryParentheses
- Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral
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"Git LFS",
"GitLab Geo",
"GitLab Monitor",
"GitLab Operator",
"GitLab Pages",
"GitLab Rails",
"GitLab Runner",
"GitLab Shell",
"GitLab Workhorse",
"Jira Cloud",
"Jira Server",
"Let's Encrypt",
"NGINX Ingress",
"OAuth 2",
"Omnibus GitLab",
"Trello Power-Ups",
"Ultra Auth",
"code_blocks": false
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ PreCommit:
enabled: true
description: 'Lint documentation for Markdown errors'
required_executable: 'node_modules/.bin/markdownlint'
flags: ['--config', '.markdownlint.json', 'doc/**/*.md']
flags: ['--config', '.markdownlint.yml', 'doc/**/*.md']
install_command: 'yarn install'
- 'doc/**/*.md'
......@@ -307,6 +307,9 @@ Cop/ActiveRecordAssociationReload:
- 'spec/**/*'
- 'ee/spec/**/*'
Enabled: true
Enabled: true
......@@ -572,6 +575,9 @@ Rails/SaveBang:
- 'ee/spec/**/*.rb'
- 'qa/spec/**/*.rb'
- 'qa/qa/specs/**/*.rb'
- spec/models/wiki_page/**/*
- spec/models/wiki_page_spec.rb
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
- "**/*.rb"
- "**/spec/**/*"
- qa/qa/specs/features/**/*
- vendor/**/*
- ".bundle/**/*"
require: []
domains: []
- rubocop
- require_not_found
require_paths: []
plugins: []
max_files: 15000
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
require 'gitlab-dangerfiles'
gitlab_dangerfiles =
return if helper.release_automation?
project_helper.rule_names.each do |rule|
danger.import_dangerfile(path: File.join('danger', rule))
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