Commit 461f26e1 authored by peterhegman's avatar peterhegman

Add missing `group` local assigns definition to HAML partials

It is required to pass `group` argument to cascading settings HAML
partials but this wasn't documented. Add local assigns definition
to HAML partials and documentation.
parent d08a7907
- attribute = local_assigns.fetch(:attribute, nil)
- group = local_assigns.fetch(:group, nil)
- form = local_assigns.fetch(:form, nil)
- setting_locked = local_assigns.fetch(:setting_locked, false)
- help_text = local_assigns.fetch(:help_text, s_('CascadingSettings|Subgroups cannot change this setting.'))
- attribute = local_assigns.fetch(:attribute, nil)
- group = local_assigns.fetch(:group, nil)
- settings_path_helper = local_assigns.fetch(:settings_path_helper, nil)
- form = local_assigns.fetch(:form, nil)
- setting_locked = local_assigns.fetch(:setting_locked, false)
- help_text = local_assigns.fetch(:help_text, nil)
- return unless attribute && form && settings_path_helper
- return unless attribute && group && form && settings_path_helper
= form.label attribute, class: 'custom-control-label', aria: { disabled: setting_locked } do
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/setting_label_container' do
- attribute = local_assigns.fetch(:attribute, nil)
- group = local_assigns.fetch(:group, nil)
- settings_path_helper = local_assigns.fetch(:settings_path_helper, nil)
- setting_locked = local_assigns.fetch(:setting_locked, false)
- help_text = local_assigns.fetch(:help_text, nil)
- return unless attribute && settings_path_helper
- return unless attribute && group && settings_path_helper
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/setting_label_container' do
......@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ Renders the enforcement checkbox.
| Local | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `form` | [Rails FormBuilder object]( | [`ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder`]( | `true` |
| `setting_locked` | If the setting is locked by an ancestor group or admin setting. Can be calculated with [`cascading_namespace_setting_locked?`]( | `Boolean` | `true` |
| `help_text` | Text shown below the checkbox. | `String` | `false` (Subgroups cannot change this setting.) |
......@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ Renders the label for a checkbox setting.
| Local | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `form` | [Rails FormBuilder object]( | [`ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder`]( | `true` |
| `setting_locked` | If the setting is locked by an ancestor group or admin setting. Can be calculated with [`cascading_namespace_setting_locked?`]( | `Boolean` | `true` |
| `settings_path_helper` | Lambda function that generates a path to the ancestor setting. For example, `settings_path_helper: -> (locked_ancestor) { edit_group_path(locked_ancestor, anchor: 'js-permissions-settings') }` | `Lambda` | `true` |
......@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ Renders the label for a fieldset setting.
| Local | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `setting_locked` | If the setting is locked. Can be calculated with [`cascading_namespace_setting_locked?`]( | `Boolean` | `true` |
| `settings_path_helper` | Lambda function that generates a path to the ancestor setting. For example, `-> (locked_ancestor) { edit_group_path(locked_ancestor, anchor: 'js-permissions-settings') }` | `Lambda` | `true` |
| `help_text` | Text shown below the checkbox. | `String` | `false` (`nil`) |
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