Commit 468d4683 authored by Florie Guibert's avatar Florie Guibert

View closed issues in epic

parent c11d8c81
......@@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ export const sortChildren = (childA, childB) => childA.relativePosition - childB
const stateOrder = ['opened', 'closed'];
export const sortByState = (a, b) => stateOrder.indexOf(a.state) - stateOrder.indexOf(b.state);
* Returns sorted array, using sortChildren and sortByState
* Used to sort epics and issues
* @param {Array} items
export const applySorts = array => array.sort(sortChildren).sort(sortByState);
* Returns formatted child item to include additional
* flags and properties to use while rendering tree.
......@@ -85,11 +93,9 @@ export const extractChildIssues = issues =>
* Parses Graph query response and updates
* children array to include issues within it
* and then sorts everything based on `relativePosition`
* and state
* @param {Object} responseRoot
export const processQueryResponse = ({ epic }) =>
.concat(extractChildEpics(epic.children), extractChildIssues(epic.issues))
applySorts([...extractChildEpics(epic.children), ...extractChildIssues(epic.issues)]);
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