Commit 46fa0357 authored by Marcel Amirault's avatar Marcel Amirault

Merge branch 'secret-detection-template-update-1' into 'master'

Update Secret Detection template

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!80326
parents 8ec7a386 ef2904cd
......@@ -30,24 +30,49 @@ secret_detection:
- if [ -n "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]; then echo "Skipping Secret Detection for tags. No code changes have occurred."; exit 0; fi
- if [ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" = "$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH" ]; then echo "Running Secret Detection on default branch."; /analyzer run; exit 0; fi
# Historic scan
- |
# we don't need the whole history when excluding in the next `git fetch` line,
# so git depth=1
git fetch origin --depth=1 $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH
# shallow clone $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME to get commits associated with MR or push
git fetch --shallow-exclude=${CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH} origin $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
# determine what commits we need to scan using "git log A..B"
git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%H" refs/remotes/origin/${CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH}..refs/remotes/origin/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} >${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt
echo "historic scan"
git fetch --unshallow origin $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
/analyzer run
# Default branch scan
- if [ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH" ]; then echo "Running Secret Detection on default branch."; /analyzer run; exit; fi
# Push event
- |
if [ "$CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA" == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ];
# first commit on a new branch
echo ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} >${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt
git fetch --depth=2 origin $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
# determine commit range so that we can fetch the appropriate depth
set +e # ignore exit on failure
git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%H" ${CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA}..${CI_COMMIT_SHA} >${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt
# check the exit code of the previous command to determine if we need to limit the commit_list.txt to CI_COMMIT_SHA.
if [ $? -ne 0 ];
echo "unable to determine commit range, limiting to ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"
echo ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} >${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt
# append newline to to list since `git log` does not end with a
# newline, this is to keep the log messages consistent
echo >> ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt
# we need to extend the git fetch depth to the number of commits + 2 for the following reasons:
# because busybox wc only counts \n and there is no trailing \n (+1)
# include the parent commit of the base commit in this MR/Push event. This is needed because
# `git diff -p` needs something to compare changes in that commit against (+1)
git fetch --depth=$(($(wc -l <${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt) + 2)) origin $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
# re-enable exit on failure
set -e
# +1 because busybox wc only counts \n and there is no trailing \n
echo "scanning $(($(wc -l <${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt) + 1)) commits"
# we need to extend the git fetch depth to the number of commits + 1 for the following reasons:
# to include the parent commit of the base commit in this MR/Push event. This is needed because
# `git diff -p` needs something to compare changes in that commit against
git fetch --depth=$(($(wc -l <${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt) + 1)) origin $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
echo "scanning $(($(wc -l <${CI_COMMIT_SHA}_commit_list.txt))) commits for a push event"
- /analyzer run
- rm "$CI_COMMIT_SHA"_commit_list.txt
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