optional:local_markdown_version,type: Integer,desc: 'Local markdown version, increase this value when any cached markdown should be invalidated'
optional:allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services,type: Boolean,desc: 'Deprecated: Use :allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services instead. Allow requests to the local network from hooks and services.'# support legacy names, can be removed in v5
optional:snowplow_iglu_registry_url,type: String,desc: 'The Snowplow base Iglu Schema Registry URL to use for custom context and self describing events'
givensnowplow_enabled: ->(val){val}do
requires:snowplow_collector_hostname,type: String,desc: 'The Snowplow collector hostname'
optional:snowplow_cookie_domain,type: String,desc: 'The Snowplow cookie domain'