Commit 4b8de57c authored by Dallas Reedy's avatar Dallas Reedy Committed by charlie ablett

Add the Speed. Efficiency. Trust. section to the Cross Stage FDM

- Add the data for the new section
- Loop over that data to create the cards
- Add the icon illustration SVGs for each card
- Adjust the styles for smaller screens and for medium-and-up screens
- Add new tests and update existing tests
parent 929f051b
...@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ $spacing-scale: ( ...@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ $spacing-scale: (
5: #{4 * $grid-size} 5: #{4 * $grid-size}
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/* End gitlab-ui#1709 */
/* /*
* Why another sizing scale??? * Why another sizing scale???
* Great question, friend! * Great question, friend!
...@@ -285,25 +285,36 @@ $gl-line-height-42: px-to-rem(42px); ...@@ -285,25 +285,36 @@ $gl-line-height-42: px-to-rem(42px);
padding-right: $gl-spacing-scale-10; padding-right: $gl-spacing-scale-10;
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/* Will be moved to @gitlab/ui by */ /*
All of the following (up until the "End gitlab-ui#1709" comment) will be moved
to @gitlab/ui by
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@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
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...@@ -313,4 +324,16 @@ $gl-spacing-scale-75: 75 * $grid-size; ...@@ -313,4 +324,16 @@ $gl-spacing-scale-75: 75 * $grid-size;
padding-top: $gl-spacing-scale-11 !important; // only need !important for now so that it overrides styles from @gitlab/ui which currently take precedence padding-top: $gl-spacing-scale-11 !important; // only need !important for now so that it overrides styles from @gitlab/ui which currently take precedence
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
<svg width="44" height="44" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#collaboration__a)"><path d="M11.343 13.394a3.106 3.106 0 1 0 0-6.213 3.106 3.106 0 0 0 0 6.213Zm0 8.725a10.79 10.79 0 0 0 6.846-2.438 9.087 9.087 0 0 0-13.688 0 10.785 10.785 0 0 0 6.842 2.438Z" fill="#B37DE6"/><path d="M32.666 34.338a3.106 3.106 0 1 0 0-6.213 3.106 3.106 0 0 0 0 6.213Zm0 8.725a10.785 10.785 0 0 0 6.842-2.438 9.096 9.096 0 0 0-13.689 0 10.798 10.798 0 0 0 6.847 2.438Z" fill="#FCA121"/><path d="M35.763 16.227a.88.88 0 0 1-.88-.88V9.051H28.6a.88.88 0 1 1 0-1.76h7.163a.88.88 0 0 1 .88.88v7.176a.88.88 0 0 1-.88.88Zm-19.958 20.46H8.122a.88.88 0 0 1-.88-.88V28.6a.88.88 0 1 1 1.76 0v6.327h6.803a.88.88 0 1 1 0 1.76ZM11.334 22.73a11.344 11.344 0 0 1-7.449-2.794.972.972 0 0 1 0-1.452 11.325 11.325 0 0 1 0 0 1 .3.66.881.881 0 0 1-.3.656 11.295 11.295 0 0 1-7.51 2.864Zm-5.526-3.52a9.561 9.561 0 0 0 11.057 0 9.562 9.562 0 0 0-11.057 0Zm5.527-4.69a4.22 4.22 0 1 1 0-8.44 4.22 4.22 0 0 1 0 8.44Zm0-6.68a2.46 2.46 0 1 0 2.46 2.46 2.462 2.462 0 0 0-2.46-2.472v.013Z" fill="#380D75"/><path d="M2.363 17.635a.88.88 0 0 1-.757-.44 11.334 11.334 0 1 1 19.461 0 .882.882 0 0 1-1.514-.906 9.574 9.574 0 1 0-16.438 0 .88.88 0 0 1-.752 1.32v.026Zm30.303 26.273a11.313 11.313 0 0 1-7.524- 0 0 1 0-1.32 11.325 11.325 0 0 1 15.048 0 .88.88 0 0 1 0 1.32 11.322 11.322 0 0 1-7.524 2.86Zm-5.531-3.52a9.562 9.562 0 0 0 11.057 0 9.583 9.583 0 0 0-11.057 0Zm5.531-4.704a4.22 4.22 0 1 1 0-8.44 4.22 4.22 0 0 1 0 8.44Zm0-6.675a2.46 2.46 0 1 0 0 4.92 2.46 2.46 0 0 0 0-4.92Z" fill="#380D75"/><path d="M23.69 38.817a.88.88 0 0 1-.758-.44 11.339 11.339 0 1 1 19.462 0 .88.88 0 1 1-1.51-.88 9.574 9.574 0 1 0-16.442 0 .88.88 0 0 1-.3 0 0 1-.453.115Z" fill="#380D75"/></g><defs><clipPath id="collaboration__a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h44v44H0z"/></clipPath></defs></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ module Groups ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ module Groups
glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm' glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm'
} }
end end
def cross_stage_fdm_value_statements
icon_name: 'collaboration',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Collaboration made easy'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Break down silos to coordinate seamlessly across development, operations, and security with a consistent experience across the development lifecycle.')
icon_name: 'cog-code',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Lower cost of development'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|A single application eliminates complex integrations, data chokepoints, and toolchain maintenance, resulting in greater productivity and lower cost.')
icon_name: 'cog-check',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Your software, deployed your way'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|GitLab is infrastructure agnostic (supporting GCP, AWS, Azure, OpenShift, VMWare, On Prem, Bare Metal, and more), offering a consistent workflow experience – irrespective of the environment.')
end end
end end
...@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ ...@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
- @hide_breadcrumbs = true - @hide_breadcrumbs = true
- @content_class = 'container-limited limit-container-width' - @content_class = 'container-limited limit-container-width'{ data: { track_action: 'render', track_label: 'cross_stage_fdm', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } }{ data: { track_action: 'render', track_label: 'cross_stage_fdm', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } }
%div %div s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.') s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.')
= s_('InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance.') = s_('InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance.')
- glm_params = cross_stage_fdm_glm_params - glm_params = cross_stage_fdm_glm_params
= link_to s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial'), new_trial_path(glm_params), class: 'gl-button btn btn-confirm gl-mr-3 gl-mb-3', data: { track_action: 'click_button', track_label: 'start_trial', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } = link_to s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial'), new_trial_path(glm_params), class: 'gl-button btn btn-confirm gl-mr-3 gl-mb-3', data: { track_action: 'click_button', track_label: 'start_trial', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' }
.js-hand-raise-lead-button{ data: { **hand_raise_props(@group, glm_content: glm_params[:glm_content]), track_action: 'click_button', track_label: 'hand_raise_PQL', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } } .js-hand-raise-lead-button{ data: { **hand_raise_props(@group, glm_content: glm_params[:glm_content]), track_action: 'click_button', track_label: 'hand_raise_PQL', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } }
...@@ -17,3 +17,14 @@ ...@@ -17,3 +17,14 @@
- image_alt = s_('InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab') - image_alt = s_('InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab')
= image_tag 'marketing/gitlab-enterprise-header-flow-desktop.png', alt: image_alt, title: image_alt, class: 'gl-w-full' = image_tag 'marketing/gitlab-enterprise-header-flow-desktop.png', alt: image_alt, title: image_alt, class: 'gl-w-full' s_('InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust.')
- cross_stage_fdm_value_statements.each do |value| image_tag("illustrations/#{value[:icon_name]}.svg", class: 'gl-w-full') value[:title] value[:desc]
...@@ -60,4 +60,16 @@ RSpec.describe Groups::FeatureDiscoveryMomentsHelper do ...@@ -60,4 +60,16 @@ RSpec.describe Groups::FeatureDiscoveryMomentsHelper do
it { eq({ glm_source: '', glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm' }) } it { eq({ glm_source: '', glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm' }) }
end end
describe '#cross_stage_fdm_value_statements' do
it 'provides a collection of data in the expected structure' do
expect(helper.cross_stage_fdm_value_statements).to all(
icon_name: an_instance_of(String),
title: an_instance_of(String),
desc: an_instance_of(String)
end end
...@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'groups/feature_discovery_moments/advanced_features_dashboard.htm ...@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'groups/feature_discovery_moments/advanced_features_dashboard.htm
subject { rendered } subject { rendered }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.')) } it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.')) }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust.')) }
it 'renders the start a trial CTA', :aggregate_failures do it 'renders the start a trial CTA', :aggregate_failures do
expect(rendered).to have_link(s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial'), expect(rendered).to have_link(s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial'),
...@@ -18632,6 +18632,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18632,6 +18632,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|3 ways to dive into GitLab CI/CD" msgid "InProductMarketing|3 ways to dive into GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|A single application eliminates complex integrations, data chokepoints, and toolchain maintenance, resulting in greater productivity and lower cost."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance." msgid "InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -18659,6 +18662,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18659,6 +18662,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Blog" msgid "InProductMarketing|Blog"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Break down silos to coordinate seamlessly across development, operations, and security with a consistent experience across the development lifecycle."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|By enabling code owners and required merge approvals the right person will review the right MR. This is a win-win: cleaner code and a more efficient review process." msgid "InProductMarketing|By enabling code owners and required merge approvals the right person will review the right MR. This is a win-win: cleaner code and a more efficient review process."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -18671,6 +18677,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18671,6 +18677,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab" msgid "InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Collaboration made easy"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create a custom CI runner with just a few clicks" msgid "InProductMarketing|Create a custom CI runner with just a few clicks"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -18770,6 +18779,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18770,6 +18779,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab is better with teammates to help out!" msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab is better with teammates to help out!"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab is infrastructure agnostic (supporting GCP, AWS, Azure, OpenShift, VMWare, On Prem, Bare Metal, and more), offering a consistent workflow experience – irrespective of the environment."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab provides static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), container scanning, and dependency scanning to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance." msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab provides static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), container scanning, and dependency scanning to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -18863,6 +18875,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18863,6 +18875,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Launch GitLab CI/CD in 20 minutes or less" msgid "InProductMarketing|Launch GitLab CI/CD in 20 minutes or less"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Lower cost of development"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}." msgid "InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -18899,6 +18914,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18899,6 +18914,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Sometimes you're not ready to make a full transition to a new tool. If you're not ready to fully commit, %{mirroring_link} gives you a safe way to try out GitLab in parallel with your current tool." msgid "InProductMarketing|Sometimes you're not ready to make a full transition to a new tool. If you're not ready to fully commit, %{mirroring_link} gives you a safe way to try out GitLab in parallel with your current tool."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Spin up an autoscaling runner in GitLab" msgid "InProductMarketing|Spin up an autoscaling runner in GitLab"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -19034,6 +19052,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -19034,6 +19052,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|YouTube" msgid "InProductMarketing|YouTube"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Your software, deployed your way"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Your teams can be more efficient" msgid "InProductMarketing|Your teams can be more efficient"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
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