Commit 54211dd6 authored by Russell Dickenson's avatar Russell Dickenson Committed by Craig Norris

Added standard terms for UI navigation

parent a51c9471
......@@ -1097,14 +1097,26 @@ document to ensure it links to the most recent version of the file.
## Navigation
To indicate the steps of navigation through the user interface:
When documenting navigation through the user interface:
- Use the exact word as shown in the UI, including any capital letters as-is.
- Use the exact wording as shown in the UI, including any capital letters as-is.
- Use bold text for navigation items and the char "greater than" (`>`) as a
separator (for example, `Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD**` ).
separator. For example: `Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD**`.
- If there are any expandable menus, make sure to mention that the user needs to
expand the tab to find the settings you're referring to (for example,
`Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD** and expand **General pipelines**`).
expand the tab to find the settings you're referring to. For example:
`Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD** and expand **General pipelines**`.
### Navigational elements
Use the following terms when referring to the main GitLab user interface
- **Top menu**: This is the top menu that spans the width of the user interface.
It includes the GitLab logo, search field, counters, and the user's avatar.
- **Left sidebar**: This is the navigation sidebar on the left of the user
interface, specific to the project or group.
- **Right sidebar**: This is the navigation sidebar on the right of the user
interface, specific to the open issue, merge request, or epic.
## Images
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