We use subscriptions to push updates to clients. We use the [Action Cable implementation](https://graphql-ruby.org/subscriptions/action_cable_implementation)
to deliver the messages over websockets.
When a client subscribes to a subscription, we store their query in-memory within Puma workers. Then when the subscription is triggered,
the Puma workers execute the stored GraphQL queries and push the results to the clients.
We cannot test subscriptions using GraphiQL, because they require an Action Cable client, which GraphiQL does not support at the moment.
### Building subscriptions
All fields under `Types::SubscriptionType` are subscriptions that clients can subscribe to. These fields require a subscription class,
which is a descendant of `Subscriptions::BaseSubscription` and is stored under `app/graphql/subscriptions`.
The arguments required to subscribe and the fields that are returned are defined within the subscription class. Multiple fields can share
the same subscription class if they have the same arguments and return the same fields.
This class runs during the initial subscription request and subsequent updates. You can read more about this in the