| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the group](README.md#namespaced-path-encoding) |
| `deny_delete_tag`**(STARTER)** | boolean | no | Deny deleting a tag |
| `member_check`**(STARTER)** | boolean | no | Restricts commits to be authored by existing GitLab users only |
| `prevent_secrets`**(STARTER)** | boolean | no | [Files that are likely to contain secrets](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/lib/gitlab/checks/files_denylist.yml) will be rejected |
| `commit_message_regex`**(STARTER)** | string | no | All commit messages must match the regular expression provided in this attribute, e.g. `Fixed \d+\..*` |
| `commit_message_negative_regex`**(STARTER)** | string | no | Commit messages matching the regular expression provided in this attribute will not be allowed, e.g. `ssh\:\/\/` |
| `branch_name_regex`**(STARTER)** | string | no | All branch names must match the regular expression provided in this attribute, e.g. `(feature|hotfix)\/*` |
| `author_email_regex`**(STARTER)** | string | no | All commit author emails must match the regular expression provided in this attribute, e.g. `@my-company.com$` |
| `file_name_regex`**(STARTER)** | string | no | Filenames matching the regular expression provided in this attribute will **not** be allowed, e.g. `(jar|exe)$` |
| `max_file_size`**(STARTER)** | integer | no | Maximum file size (MB) allowed |
| `commit_committer_check`**(PREMIUM)** | boolean | no | Only commits pushed using verified emails will be allowed |
| `reject_unsigned_commits`**(PREMIUM)** | boolean | no | Only commits signed through GPG will be allowed |
curl --request PUT --header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>""https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/groups/19/push_rule"