Commit 5a3a4cd8 authored by Emily Ring's avatar Emily Ring Committed by Ash McKenzie

Prevent locked Terraform states from being deleted

parent 8dcf4b99
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ module Terraform
validates :uuid, presence: true, uniqueness: true, length: { is: UUID_LENGTH },
format: { with: HEX_REGEXP, message: 'only allows hex characters' }
before_destroy :ensure_state_is_unlocked
default_value_for(:uuid, allows_nil: false) { SecureRandom.hex(UUID_LENGTH / 2) }
def latest_file
......@@ -87,6 +89,13 @@ module Terraform!
def ensure_state_is_unlocked
return unless locked?
errors.add(:base, s_("Terraform|You cannot remove the State file because it's locked. Unlock the State file first before removing it."))
throw :abort # rubocop:disable Cop/BanCatchThrow
def parse_serial(file)
rescue JSON::ParserError
title: Prevent locked Terraform states from being deleted
merge_request: 50798
type: changed
......@@ -27504,6 +27504,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Terraform|You are about to remove the State file %{name}. This will permanently delete all the State versions and history. The infrastructure provisioned previously\twill remain intact, only the state file with all its versions are to be removed. This action is non-revertible."
msgstr ""
msgid "Terraform|You cannot remove the State file because it's locked. Unlock the State file first before removing it."
msgstr ""
msgid "Test"
msgstr ""
......@@ -27,6 +27,22 @@ RSpec.describe Terraform::State do
describe '#destroy' do
let(:terraform_state) { create(:terraform_state) }
let(:user) { terraform_state.project.creator }
it 'deletes when the state is unlocked' do
expect(terraform_state.destroy).to be_truthy
it 'fails to delete when the state is locked', :aggregate_failures do
terraform_state.update!(lock_xid: SecureRandom.uuid, locked_by_user: user, locked_at: Time.current)
expect(terraform_state.destroy).to be_falsey
expect(terraform_state.errors.full_messages).to eq(["You cannot remove the State file because it's locked. Unlock the State file first before removing it."])
describe '#latest_file' do
let(:terraform_state) { create(:terraform_state, :with_version) }
let(:latest_version) { terraform_state.latest_version }
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