Commit 5e66cf1d authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Fix showing outdated discussions on Changes tab

# Conflicts:
#	app/assets/javascripts/diffs/components/inline_diff_comment_row.vue
#	spec/javascripts/diffs/store/getters_spec.js
parent 610a3d34
......@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ export default {
diffViewType: state => state.diffs.diffViewType,
diffFiles: state => state.diffs.diffFiles,
...mapGetters(['isLoggedIn', 'discussionsByLineCode']),
...mapGetters('diffs', ['discussionsByLineCode']),
lineHref() {
return this.lineCode ? `#${this.lineCode}` : '#';
......@@ -30,13 +30,16 @@ export default {
diffLineCommentForms: state => state.diffs.diffLineCommentForms,
...mapGetters('diffs', ['discussionsByLineCode']),
discussions() {
return this.discussionsByLineCode[this.line.lineCode] || [];
className() {
return this.discussions.length ? '' : 'js-temp-notes-holder';
hasCommentForm() {
return this.diffLineCommentForms[this.line.lineCode];
......@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ export default {
......@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ export default {
computed: {
...mapGetters('diffs', ['commitId']),
...mapGetters('diffs', ['commitId', 'discussionsByLineCode']),
diffLineCommentForms: state => state.diffs.diffLineCommentForms,
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export default {
diffLineCommentForms: state => state.diffs.diffLineCommentForms,
...mapGetters('diffs', ['discussionsByLineCode']),
leftLineCode() {
return this.line.left.lineCode;
......@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ export default {
computed: {
...mapGetters('diffs', ['commitId']),
...mapGetters('diffs', ['commitId', 'discussionsByLineCode']),
diffLineCommentForms: state => state.diffs.diffLineCommentForms,
import _ from 'underscore';
import { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import { PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE } from '../constants';
import { getDiffRefsByLineCode } from './utils';
export const isParallelView = state => state.diffViewType === PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE;
......@@ -56,5 +58,43 @@ export const getDiffFileDiscussions = (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) =
discussion.diff_discussion && _.isEqual(discussion.diff_file.file_hash, diff.fileHash),
) || [];
* Returns an Object with discussions by their diff line code
* To avoid rendering outdated discussions on the Changes tab we should do a bunch of SHA
* comparisions. `note.position.formatter` have the current version diff refs but
* `note.original_position.formatter` will have the first version's diff refs.
* If line diff refs matches with one of them, we should render it as a discussion on Changes tab.
* @param {Object} diff
* @returns {Array}
export const discussionsByLineCode = (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => {
const diffRefsByLineCode = getDiffRefsByLineCode(state.diffFiles);
return rootGetters.discussions.reduce((acc, note) => {
const isDiffDiscussion = note.diff_discussion;
const hasLineCode = note.line_code;
const isResolvable = note.resolvable;
const diffRefs = diffRefsByLineCode[note.line_code];
if (isDiffDiscussion && hasLineCode && isResolvable && diffRefs) {
const refs = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(note.position.formatter);
const originalRefs = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(note.original_position.formatter);
if (_.isEqual(refs, diffRefs) || _.isEqual(originalRefs, diffRefs)) {
const lineCode = note.line_code;
if (acc[lineCode]) {
} else {
acc[lineCode] = [note];
return acc;
}, {});
// prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma∂ tests
export default () => {};
......@@ -173,3 +173,24 @@ export function trimFirstCharOfLineContent(line = {}) {
return parsedLine;
export function getDiffRefsByLineCode(diffFiles) {
return diffFiles.reduce((acc, diffFile) => {
const { baseSha, headSha, startSha } = diffFile.diffRefs;
const { newPath, oldPath } = diffFile;
// We can only use highlightedDiffLines to create the map of diff lines because
// highlightedDiffLines will also include every parallel diff line in it.
if (diffFile.highlightedDiffLines) {
diffFile.highlightedDiffLines.forEach(line => {
const { lineCode, oldLine, newLine } = line;
if (lineCode) {
acc[lineCode] = { baseSha, headSha, startSha, newPath, oldPath, oldLine, newLine };
return acc;
}, {});
......@@ -28,18 +28,6 @@ export const notesById = state =>
return acc;
}, {});
export const discussionsByLineCode = state =>
state.discussions.reduce((acc, note) => {
if (note.diff_discussion && note.line_code && note.resolvable) {
// For context about line notes: there might be multiple notes with the same line code
const items = acc[note.line_code] || [];
Object.assign(acc, { [note.line_code]: items });
return acc;
}, {});
export const noteableType = state => {
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ class DiscussionEntity < Grape::Entity
expose :id, :reply_id
expose :position, if: -> (d, _) { d.diff_discussion? && !d.legacy_diff_discussion? }
expose :original_position, if: -> (d, _) { d.diff_discussion? && !d.legacy_diff_discussion? }
expose :line_code, if: -> (d, _) { d.diff_discussion? }
expose :expanded?, as: :expanded
expose :active?, as: :active, if: -> (d, _) { d.diff_discussion? }
title: Fix showing outdated discussions on Changes tab
merge_request: 20445
type: fixed
......@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ describe('DiffLineGutterContent', () => {
const setDiscussions = component => {
component.$store.dispatch('setInitialNotes', getDiscussionsMockData());
component.$store.commit('diffs/SET_DIFF_DATA', { diffFiles: [getDiffFileMock()] });
const resetDiscussions = component => {
component.$store.dispatch('setInitialNotes', []);
component.$store.commit('diffs/SET_DIFF_DATA', {});
describe('computed', () => {
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ describe('InlineDiffView', () => {
it('should render discussions', done => {
const el = component.$el;
component.$store.dispatch('setInitialNotes', getDiscussionsMockData());
component.$store.commit('diffs/SET_DIFF_DATA', { diffFiles: [getDiffFileMock()] });
Vue.nextTick(() => {
......@@ -12,6 +12,17 @@ export default {
head_sha: 'c48ee0d1bf3b30453f5b32250ce03134beaa6d13',
original_position: {
formatter: {
old_line: null,
new_line: 2,
old_path: 'CHANGELOG',
new_path: 'CHANGELOG',
base_sha: 'e63f41fe459e62e1228fcef60d7189127aeba95a',
start_sha: 'd9eaefe5a676b820c57ff18cf5b68316025f7962',
head_sha: 'c48ee0d1bf3b30453f5b32250ce03134beaa6d13',
line_code: '1c497fbb3a46b78edf04cc2a2fa33f67e3ffbe2a_1_2',
expanded: true,
notes: [
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import * as getters from '~/diffs/store/getters';
import state from '~/diffs/store/modules/diff_state';
import { PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE } from '~/diffs/constants';
import discussion from '../mock_data/diff_discussions';
import diffFile from '../mock_data/diff_file';
describe('Diffs Module Getters', () => {
let localState;
......@@ -184,4 +185,38 @@ describe('Diffs Module Getters', () => {
describe('discussionsByLineCode', () => {
let mockState;
beforeEach(() => {
mockState = { diffFiles: [diffFile] };
it('should return a map of diff lines with their line codes', () => {
const mockGetters = { discussions: [discussionMock] };
const map = getters.discussionsByLineCode(mockState, {}, {}, mockGetters);
it('should have the diff discussion on the map if the original position matches', () => {
discussionMock.position.formatter.base_sha = 'ff9200';
const mockGetters = { discussions: [discussionMock] };
const map = getters.discussionsByLineCode(mockState, {}, {}, mockGetters);
it('should not add an outdated diff discussion to the returned map', () => {
discussionMock.position.formatter.base_sha = 'ff9200';
discussionMock.original_position.formatter.base_sha = 'ff9200';
const mockGetters = { discussions: [discussionMock] };
const map = getters.discussionsByLineCode(mockState, {}, {}, mockGetters);
......@@ -207,4 +207,24 @@ describe('DiffsStoreUtils', () => {
describe('getDiffRefsByLineCode', () => {
it('should return diffRefs for all highlightedDiffLines', () => {
const diffFile = getDiffFileMock();
const map = utils.getDiffRefsByLineCode([diffFile]);
const { highlightedDiffLines } = diffFile;
const lineCodeCount = highlightedDiffLines.reduce(
(acc, line) => (line.lineCode ? acc + 1 : acc),
const { baseSha, headSha, startSha } = diffFile.diffRefs;
const targetLine = map[highlightedDiffLines[4].lineCode];
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