Commit 5e9b0c12 authored by Heinrich Lee Yu's avatar Heinrich Lee Yu

Simplify calendar.json query

Group the rows once outside the UNION so that we return totals and we
don't have to aggregate in Ruby
parent a9a8dd14
......@@ -23,25 +23,28 @@ module Gitlab
def activity_dates
return @activity_dates if @activity_dates.present?
date_interval = "INTERVAL '#{} seconds'"
# Can't use Event.contributions here because we need to check 3 different
# project_features for the (currently) 3 different contribution types
date_from =
repo_events = event_counts(date_from, :repository)
.having(action: :pushed)
issue_events = event_counts(date_from, :issues)
.having(action: [:created, :closed], target_type: "Issue")
mr_events = event_counts(date_from, :merge_requests)
.having(action: [:merged, :created, :closed], target_type: "MergeRequest")
note_events = event_counts(date_from, :merge_requests)
.having(action: :commented)
repo_events = event_created_at(date_from, :repository)
.where(action: :pushed)
issue_events = event_created_at(date_from, :issues)
.where(action: [:created, :closed], target_type: "Issue")
mr_events = event_created_at(date_from, :merge_requests)
.where(action: [:merged, :created, :closed], target_type: "MergeRequest")
note_events = event_created_at(date_from, :merge_requests)
.where(action: :commented)
events = Event
.select(:project_id, :target_type, :action, :date, :total_amount)
.from_union([repo_events, issue_events, mr_events, note_events])
.select("date(created_at + #{date_interval}) AS date", 'COUNT(*) AS num_events')
.from_union([repo_events, issue_events, mr_events, note_events], remove_duplicates: false)
@activity_dates = events.each_with_object( {|h, k| h[k] = 0 }) do |event, activities|
activities[event["date"]] += event["total_amount"]
activities[event["date"]] += event["num_events"]
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
......@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ module Gitlab
# rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
def event_counts(date_from, feature)
def event_created_at(date_from, feature)
t = Event.arel_table
# re-running the contributed projects query in each union is expensive, so
......@@ -90,11 +93,8 @@ module Gitlab
date_interval = "INTERVAL '#{} seconds'"
.select(t[:project_id], t[:target_type], t[:action], "date(created_at + #{date_interval}) AS date", 'count(id) as total_amount')
.group(t[:project_id], t[:target_type], t[:action], "date(created_at + #{date_interval})")
.where("events.project_id in (#{authed_projects.to_sql})") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection
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