Commit 608bcd44 authored by Lukas Eipert's avatar Lukas Eipert

License Management: Load up to a 100 licenses per default

parent 626cbbe4
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export const loadManagedLicenses = ({ dispatch, state }) => {
const { apiUrlManageLicenses } = state;
return axios
.get(apiUrlManageLicenses, { params: { per_page: 100 } })
.then(({ data }) => {
dispatch('receiveLoadManagedLicenses', data);
title: 'License Management: Load up to a 100 licenses per default'
merge_request: 9913
type: other
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ describe('License store actions', () => {
let endpointMock;
beforeEach(() => {
endpointMock = axiosMock.onGet(apiUrlManageLicenses);
endpointMock = axiosMock.onGet(apiUrlManageLicenses, { params: { per_page: 100 } });
it('dispatches requestLoadManagedLicenses and receiveLoadManagedLicenses for successful response', done => {
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