> - Introduced in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 11.0.
> - In [GitLab 12.9](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/198062), Timelines were moved to the Premium tier.
Roadmap supports the following date ranges:
### Date range presets
- Quarters
- Months (default)
- Weeks
> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/204994) in GitLab 14.3. [Deployed behind the `roadmap_daterange_filter` flag](../../../administration/feature_flags.md), disabled by default.
> - [Enabled on GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/323917) in GitLab 14.3.
On self-managed GitLab, by default this feature is not available. To make it available per group,
ask an administrator to [enable the `roadmap_daterange_filter` flag](../../../administration/feature_flags.md).
On GitLab.com, this feature is available.
The feature is ready for production use.
Roadmap provides three date range options, each with predetermined timeline duration:
-**This quarter**: includes weeks present in current quarter.
-**This year**: includes weeks or months present in current year.
-**Within 3 years**: includes weeks, months, or quarters present in the previous 18 months and
upcoming 18 months (that is, three years in total).
### Layout presets
Depending on selected [date range preset](#date-range-presets), Roadmap supports the following layout presets:
-**Quarters**: only available when the "Within 3 years" date range is selected.
-**Months**: available when either "This year" or "Within 3 years" date range is selected.
-**Weeks** (default): available for all the date range presets.
### Quarters

In the **Quarters** preset, roadmap shows epics and milestones which have start or due dates
**falling within**or **going through** past quarter, current quarter, and the next four quarters,
**falling within**currently selected date range preset,
where **today**
is shown by the vertical red line in the timeline. The sub-headers underneath the quarter name on
the timeline header represent the month of the quarter.
@@ -123,7 +143,7 @@ the timeline header represent the month of the quarter.
In the **Months** preset, roadmap shows epics and milestones which have start or due dates
**falling within** or
**going through**the past month, current month, and the next five months, where **today**
**going through**currently selected date range preset, where **today**
is shown by the vertical red line in the timeline. The sub-headers underneath the month name on
the timeline header represent the date on starting day (Sunday) of the week. This preset is
selected by default.
@@ -133,7 +153,7 @@ selected by default.

In the **Weeks** preset, roadmap shows epics and milestones which have start or due dates **falling
within** or **going through** the past week, current week and the next four weeks, where **today**
within** or **going through** currently selected date range preset, where **today**
is shown by the vertical red line in the timeline. The sub-headers underneath the week name on
the timeline header represent the days of the week.