Commit 6775f193 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu

Fix upload redirections when project has moved

Previously if a user attempted to click on a link to an attachment for a
renamed project (e.g. https://gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/uploads/123.png),
Rails would redirect the user to an erroneous URL
(e.g. https://gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/uploads/123.png.png). Notice the
redirect URL contains a redundant extension.

It turns out Rails 5 parses the extension of a route as the format
and the URL generator appends the format to the redirected route.

To fix this, we need to disable the format path parameter and explicitly
set the format to `nil`. If we do not set the format to `nil`, the URL
generator will append a query string (e.g `?format=png`), which would
still work but not necessary.

parent 035fd458
......@@ -29,4 +29,13 @@ class Projects::UploadsController < Projects::ApplicationController
# Overrides ApplicationController#build_canonical_path since there are
# multiple routes that match project uploads
def build_canonical_path(project)
return super unless action_name == 'show'
return super unless params[:secret] && params[:filename]
show_namespace_project_uploads_url(project.namespace.to_param, project.to_param, params[:secret], params[:filename])
title: Fix upload redirections when project has moved
merge_request: 22822
type: fixed
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ constraints( do
resources :uploads, only: [:create] do
collection do
get ":secret/:filename", action: :show, as: :show, constraints: { filename: %r{[^/]+} }
get ":secret/:filename", action: :show, as: :show, constraints: { filename: %r{[^/]+} }, format: false, defaults: { format: nil }
post :authorize
......@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ constraints( do
resources :uploads, only: [:create] do
collection do
get ":secret/:filename", action: :show, as: :show, constraints: { filename: %r{[^/]+} }
get ":secret/:filename", action: :show, as: :show, constraints: { filename: %r{[^/]+} }, format: false, defaults: { format: nil }
post :authorize
......@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ scope path: :uploads do
as: 'appearance_upload'
# Project markdown uploads
# Consider deprecating this in GitLab 13.x because this is redundant to show_namespace_project_uploads
get ":namespace_id/:project_id/:secret/:filename",
to: "projects/uploads#show",
constraints: { namespace_id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/, project_id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/, filename: %r{[^/]+} }
constraints: { namespace_id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/, project_id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/, filename: %r{[^/]+} }, format: false, defaults: { format: nil }
# create uploads for models, snippets (notes) available for now
post ':model',
......@@ -19,6 +19,22 @@ describe Groups::UploadsController do
let(:uploader_class) { NamespaceFileUploader }
context 'with a moved group' do
let!(:upload) { create(:upload, :issuable_upload, :with_file, model: model) }
let(:group) { model }
let(:old_path) { group.to_param + 'old' }
let!(:redirect_route) { model.redirect_routes.create(path: old_path) }
let(:upload_path) { File.basename(upload.path) }
it 'redirects to a file with the proper extension' do
get :show, params: { group_id: old_path, filename: upload_path, secret: upload.secret }
expect(response.location).to eq(show_group_uploads_url(group, upload.secret, upload_path))
expect(response.location).to end_with(upload.path)
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:redirect)
def post_authorize(verified: true)
request.headers.merge!(workhorse_internal_api_request_header) if verified
......@@ -25,6 +25,21 @@ describe Projects::UploadsController do
context 'with a moved project' do
let!(:upload) { create(:upload, :issuable_upload, :with_file, model: model) }
let(:project) { model }
let(:upload_path) { File.basename(upload.path) }
let!(:redirect_route) { project.redirect_routes.create(path: project.full_path + 'old') }
it 'redirects to a file with the proper extension' do
get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project.to_param + 'old', filename: File.basename(upload.path), secret: upload.secret }
expect(response.location).to eq(show_project_uploads_url(project, upload.secret, upload_path))
expect(response.location).to end_with(upload.path)
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:redirect)
context "when exception occurs" do
before do
allow(FileUploader).to receive(:workhorse_authorize).and_raise(
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