Commit 67f0f020 authored by samdbeckham's avatar samdbeckham

Cleans up double classes and regex mishaps

- Removes double `btn` classes
- Fixes omniauth issues with regex matches
- Removes the accidental changes to the ee dir
parent e87b9ce2
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- providers.each do |provider|
- has_icon = provider_has_icon?(provider)
= link_to omniauth_authorize_path(:user, provider), method: :post, class: "btn d-flex align-items-center omniauth-gl-button btn text-left oauth-login mb-2 p-2 #{qa_class_for_provider(provider)}", id: "oauth-login-#{provider}" do
= link_to omniauth_authorize_path(:user, provider), method: :post, class: "gl-button btn d-flex align-items-center omniauth-btn text-left oauth-login mb-2 p-2 #{qa_class_for_provider(provider)}", id: "oauth-login-#{provider}" do
- if has_icon
= provider_image_tag(provider)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- providers.each do |provider|
- has_icon = provider_has_icon?(provider)
= button_to omniauth_authorize_path(:user, provider), id: "oauth-login-#{provider}", class: "btn d-flex align-items-center omniauth-gl-button btn text-left oauth-login #{qa_class_for_provider(provider)}" do
= button_to omniauth_authorize_path(:user, provider), id: "oauth-login-#{provider}", class: "gl-button btn d-flex align-items-center omniauth-btn text-left oauth-login #{qa_class_for_provider(provider)}" do
- if has_icon
= provider_image_tag(provider)
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%input.label.label-monospace.monospace{ id: "application_id", type: "text", autocomplete: 'off', value: @application.uid, readonly: true }
= clipboard_button(target: '#application_id', title: _("Copy ID"), class: "btn gl-button btn btn-default")
= clipboard_button(target: '#application_id', title: _("Copy ID"), class: "gl-button btn btn-default")
= _('Secret')
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
%input.label.label-monospace.monospace{ id: "secret", type: "text", autocomplete: 'off', value: @application.secret, readonly: true }
= clipboard_button(target: '#secret', title: _("Copy secret"), class: "btn gl-button btn btn-default")
= clipboard_button(target: '#secret', title: _("Copy secret"), class: "gl-button btn btn-default")
= _('Callback URL')
......@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
= link_to "paid products", "", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer nofollow"
You can try Ultimate for free without
any obligation or payment details.
= link_to new_trial_url, class: "gl-button btn btn-success" do
= link_to new_trial_url, class: "btn btn-success" do
Start free trial
......@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
= form_tag(auth_smartcard_url, html: { 'aria-live' => 'assertive'}) do
= submit_tag _('Login with smartcard'), class: 'gl-button btn btn-success'
= submit_tag _('Login with smartcard'), class: 'btn btn-success'
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