# Note: If provider does not return content_range, then we set it as we requested
# Note: If provider does not return content_range, then we set it as we requested
# Provider: minio
# Provider: minio
# - When the file size is larger than Content-range in responce header, it returns content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# - When the file size is larger than requested Content-range, the Content-range is included in responces with Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# - When the file size is smaller than Content-range in responce header, it returns content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# - When the file size is smaller than requested Content-range, the Content-range is included in responces with Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# Provider: AWS
# Provider: AWS
# - TBD
# - When the file size is larger than requested Content-range, the Content-range is included in responces with Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# - TBD
# - When the file size is smaller than requested Content-range, the Content-range is included in responces with Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# Provider: GCS
# Provider: GCS
# - When the file size is larger than Content-range, it returns content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# - When the file size is larger than requested Content-range, the Content-range is included in responces with Net::HTTPPartialContent 206
# - When the file size is smaller than Content-range, it does not return content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPOK 200
# - When the file size is smaller than requested Content-range, the Content-range is included in responces with Net::HTTPOK 200