Commit 6a9d7781 authored by Amy Qualls's avatar Amy Qualls

Merge branch 'add-note-toc-md' into 'master'

Add note for table of content markdown

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!65518
parents 9b2d08c8 2aec7079
......@@ -412,6 +412,10 @@ A table of contents is an unordered list that links to subheadings in the docume
To add a table of contents to a Markdown file, wiki page, issue request, or merge request
description, add the `[[_TOC_]]` tag on its own line.
You can add a table of contents to issues and merge requests, but you can't add one
to notes or comments.
This is an intro sentence to my Wiki page.
Markdown is supported
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