Commit 6db05b3e authored by Tomasz Maczukin's avatar Tomasz Maczukin Committed by Kamil Trzciński

Add support for dot (.) in variables masking

The CI/CD Variables masking mechanism supports a limited number of
characters that can be masked. One of the currently unsuported ones
is the dot (.) character.

This makes it unusable for example for JWT tokens in

The current limitation is mostly required to prevent usage
of characters, that can be used in shell variables expansion, which
would make the final masking pattern unpredictable. With the Raw
Variables feature (that is under development) the restrictions could be
possibly reduced a little. However for now, we're needing them.

However, it seems that the dot (.) usage should not generate the problem
and it would improve the security of JSON Web Tokens passed to the CI/CD
job with the Variables.
parent 6a933340
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module Ci
# * No variables
# * No spaces
# * Minimal length of 8 characters
# * Characters must be from the Base64 alphabet (RFC4648) with the addition of @ and :
# * Characters must be from the Base64 alphabet (RFC4648) with the addition of '@', ':' and '.'
# * Absolutely no fun is allowed
REGEX = /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_+=\/@:-]{8,}\z/.freeze
REGEX = /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_+=\/@:.-]{8,}\z/.freeze
included do
validates :masked, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
title: Add support for dot (.) in variables masking
merge_request: 29022
type: changed
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ describe('AjaxFormVariableList', () => {
describe('maskableRegex', () => {
it('takes in the regex provided by the data attribute', () => {
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ describe('VariableList', () => {
it('has a regex provided via a data attribute', () => {
it('allows values that are 8 characters long', done => {
......@@ -61,8 +61,12 @@ describe Ci::Maskable do
expect(subject.match?(string)).to eq(false)
it 'does not match strings using unsupported characters' do
expect(subject.match?('HelloWorld%#^')).to eq(false)
it 'matches valid strings' do
expect(subject.match?('helloworld')).to eq(true)
expect(subject.match?('Hello+World_123/@:-.')).to eq(true)
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