Commit 7166b5e1 authored by Josianne Hyson's avatar Josianne Hyson

Add class documentation for the bulk import models

Add documentation describing the purpose of these classes so that they
are more easily understood by developers new to the area.

Introduced in issue:
parent e28ecc7d
# frozen_string_literal: true
# The BulkImport import model links together all the models required to for a
# bulk import of groups and projects to a GitLab instance, and associates these
# with the user that initiated the import.
class BulkImport < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user, optional: false
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Stores the authentication data required to access another GitLab instance on
# behalf of a user, to import Groups and Projects directly from that instance.
class BulkImports::Configuration < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'bulk_import_configurations'
# frozen_string_literal: true
# The BulkImport::Entity represents a Group or Project that is going to be
# imported during the bulk import process. An entity is nested under the a
# parent group when it is not a top level group.
# A full bulk import entity structure might look like this, where the links are
# parents:
# **Before Import** **After Import**
# GroupEntity Group
# | | | |
# GroupEntity ProjectEntity Group Project
# | |
# ProjectEntity Project
# The tree structure of the entities will result in the same structure for the
# imported Groups and Projects.
class BulkImports::Entity < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'bulk_import_entities'
......@@ -33,11 +50,17 @@ class BulkImports::Entity < ApplicationRecord
def validate_imported_entity_type
if group.present? && project_entity?
errors.add(:group, s_('BulkImport|expected an associated Project but has an associated Group'))
s_('BulkImport|expected an associated Project but has an associated Group')
if project.present? && group_entity?
errors.add(:project, s_('BulkImport|expected an associated Group but has an associated Project'))
s_('BulkImport|expected an associated Group but has an associated Project')
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