Commit 721a2e63 authored by Ezekiel Kigbo's avatar Ezekiel Kigbo

Merge branch 'revert-988cf9f2' into 'master'

Revert "Merge branch 'bw-surround-text-wth-char' into 'master'"

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!37131
parents daaa377a 772bf771
......@@ -303,40 +303,7 @@ function updateText({ textArea, tag, cursorOffset, blockTag, wrap, select, tagCo
/* eslint-disable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */
export function keypressNoteText(e) {
if (this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd) {
const keys = {
'*': '**{text}**', // wraps with bold character
_: '_{text}_', // wraps with italic character
'`': '`{text}`', // wraps with inline character
"'": "'{text}'", // single quotes
'"': '"{text}"', // double quotes
'[': '[{text}]', // brackets
'{': '{{text}}', // braces
'(': '({text})', // parentheses
'<': '<{text}>', // angle brackets
const tag = keys[e.key];
if (tag) {
textArea: this,
blockTag: '',
wrap: true,
select: '',
tagContent: '',
/* eslint-enable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */
export function addMarkdownListeners(form) {
$('.markdown-area').on('keydown', keypressNoteText);
return $('.js-md', form)
.on('click', function() {
......@@ -373,6 +340,5 @@ export function addEditorMarkdownListeners(editor) {
export function removeMarkdownListeners(form) {
return $('.js-md', form).off('click');
title: Surround selected text in markdown fields on certain key presses
merge_request: 25748
type: added
import { insertMarkdownText, keypressNoteText } from '~/lib/utils/text_markdown';
import { insertMarkdownText } from '~/lib/utils/text_markdown';
describe('init markdown', () => {
let textArea;
......@@ -115,15 +115,14 @@ describe('init markdown', () => {
describe('with selection', () => {
const text = 'initial selected value';
const selected = 'selected';
let selectedIndex;
beforeEach(() => {
textArea.value = text;
selectedIndex = text.indexOf(selected);
const selectedIndex = text.indexOf(selected);
textArea.setSelectionRange(selectedIndex, selectedIndex + selected.length);
it('applies the tag to the selected value', () => {
const selectedIndex = text.indexOf(selected);
const tag = '*';
......@@ -154,29 +153,6 @@ describe('init markdown', () => {
expect(textArea.value).toEqual(text.replace(selected, `[${selected}](url)`));
key | expected
${'['} | ${`[${selected}]`}
${'*'} | ${`**${selected}**`}
${"'"} | ${`'${selected}'`}
${'_'} | ${`_${selected}_`}
${'`'} | ${`\`${selected}\``}
${'"'} | ${`"${selected}"`}
${'{'} | ${`{${selected}}`}
${'('} | ${`(${selected})`}
${'<'} | ${`<${selected}>`}
`('generates $expected when $key is pressed', ({ key, expected }) => {
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key });
textArea.addEventListener('keydown', keypressNoteText);
expect(textArea.value).toEqual(text.replace(selected, expected));
// cursor placement should be after selection + 2 tag lengths
expect(textArea.selectionStart).toBe(selectedIndex + expected.length);
describe('and text to be selected', () => {
const tag = '[{text}](url)';
const select = 'url';
......@@ -202,7 +178,7 @@ describe('init markdown', () => {
it('selects the right text when multiple tags are present', () => {
const initialValue = `${tag} ${tag} ${selected}`;
textArea.value = initialValue;
selectedIndex = initialValue.indexOf(selected);
const selectedIndex = initialValue.indexOf(selected);
textArea.setSelectionRange(selectedIndex, selectedIndex + selected.length);
......@@ -228,7 +204,7 @@ describe('init markdown', () => {
const initialValue = `text ${expectedUrl} text`;
textArea.value = initialValue;
selectedIndex = initialValue.indexOf(expectedUrl);
const selectedIndex = initialValue.indexOf(expectedUrl);
textArea.setSelectionRange(selectedIndex, selectedIndex + expectedUrl.length);
Markdown is supported
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