Commit 743c43e4 authored by Clement Ho's avatar Clement Ho

Merge branch 'leipert-upgrade-bootstrap-ce' into 'master'

Update bootstrap to 4.3.1

Closes #52091

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!25911
parents 97f8d4e9 1dd99d54
......@@ -16,3 +16,63 @@ $.fn.extend({
Starting with bootstrap 4.3.1, bootstrap sanitizes html used for tooltips / popovers.
This extends the default whitelists with more elements / attributes:
const whitelist = $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.whiteList;
const inputAttributes = ['value', 'type'];
const dataAttributes = [
// Whitelisting data attributes
whitelist['*'] = [
'width height',
// Whitelist missing elements:
whitelist.label = ['for'];
whitelist.button = [...inputAttributes];
whitelist.input = [...inputAttributes]; = [];
whitelist.samp = [];
whitelist.kbd = [];
whitelist.var = [];
whitelist.dfn = [];
whitelist.cite = [];
whitelist.big = [];
whitelist.address = [];
whitelist.dl = [];
whitelist.dt = [];
whitelist.dd = [];
whitelist.abbr = [];
whitelist.acronym = [];
whitelist.blockquote = [];
whitelist.del = [];
whitelist.ins = [];
whitelist['gl-emoji'] = [];
// Whitelisting SVG tags and attributes
whitelist.svg = ['viewBox'];
whitelist.use = ['xlink:href'];
whitelist.path = ['d'];
......@@ -711,3 +711,11 @@ $mr-version-controls-height: 56px;
Compare Branches
$compare-branches-sticky-header-height: 68px;
Bootstrap 4.2.0 introduced new icons for validating forms.
Our design system does not use those, so we are disabling them for now:
- Docs:
- Issue:
$enable-validation-icons: false;
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ $input-border-color: $gray-200;
$input-color: $gl-text-color;
$font-family-sans-serif: $regular-font;
$font-family-monospace: $monospace-font;
$input-line-height: 20px;
$btn-line-height: 20px;
$table-accent-bg: $gray-light;
$card-border-color: $border-color;
......@@ -638,12 +638,12 @@
lodash "^4.17.11"
to-fast-properties "^2.0.0"
version "1.8.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-RZylRElufH1kwsBQlIDaVcrcXMyD5IEGrU6ABUd8W3LG8/F9jJ4Y3Ys7EPTpK/qFJyx86AutTtFGRxRNlMx85w==
version "1.9.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-Zjayzokm7E2wgxUR/pxIMocdiBB5XHt2PEemdzD8qD+aQmMpMxSyIEMQk5Jq0Wgv+Rd5WXTolTw3kmb9l8ZeJg==
bootstrap "4.1.3"
bootstrap "^4.1.3"
version "1.4.0"
......@@ -1681,10 +1681,10 @@ bootstrap-vue@^2.0.0-rc.11:
popper.js "^1.12.9"
vue-functional-data-merge "^2.0.5"
bootstrap@4.1.3, bootstrap@^4.1.1:
version "4.1.3"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-rDFIzgXcof0jDyjNosjv4Sno77X4KuPeFxG2XZZv1/Kc8DRVGVADdoQyyOVDwPqL36DDmtCQbrpMCqvpPLJQ0w==
bootstrap@4.3.1, bootstrap@^4.1.1, bootstrap@^4.1.3:
version "4.3.1"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-rXqOmH1VilAt2DyPzluTi2blhk17bO7ef+zLLPlWvG494pDxcM234pJ8wTc/6R40UWizAIIMgxjvxZg5kmsbag==
version "1.3.0"
......@@ -8121,10 +8121,10 @@ pofile@^1:
resolved ""
integrity sha512-Vy9eH1dRD9wHjYt/QqXcTz+RnX/zg53xK+KljFSX30PvdDMb2z+c6uDUeblUGqqJgz3QFsdlA0IJvHziPmWtQg==
popper.js@^1.12.9, popper.js@^1.14.3:
version "1.14.3"
resolved ""
integrity sha1-FDj5jQRqz3tNeM1QK/QYrGTU8JU=
popper.js@^1.12.9, popper.js@^1.14.7:
version "1.14.7"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-4q1hNvoUre/8srWsH7hnoSJ5xVmIL4qgz+s4qf2TnJIMyZFUFMGH+9vE7mXynAlHSZ/NdTmmow86muD0myUkVQ==
version "1.0.13"
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