Commit 7630ce18 authored by Sashi Kumar Kumaresan's avatar Sashi Kumar Kumaresan Committed by Steve Abrams

Remove vulnerability_occurrences_location_temp_index

This change removes the temporary index created
for a background migration to increase the performance. Now that
the background migration is complete, we no longer need this index.

Changelog: other
parent f9f24931
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RemoveTempIndexFromVulnerabilityOccurrences < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0]
INDEX_NAME = 'vulnerability_occurrences_location_temp_index'
def up
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :vulnerability_occurrences, name: INDEX_NAME
def down
add_concurrent_index :vulnerability_occurrences, :id, where: 'location IS NULL', name: INDEX_NAME
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -28154,8 +28154,6 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX vulnerability_feedback_unique_idx ON vulnerability_feedback
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX vulnerability_occurrence_pipelines_on_unique_keys ON vulnerability_occurrence_pipelines USING btree (occurrence_id, pipeline_id);
CREATE INDEX vulnerability_occurrences_location_temp_index ON vulnerability_occurrences USING btree (id) WHERE (location IS NULL);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX work_item_types_namespace_id_and_name_unique ON work_item_types USING btree (namespace_id, btrim(lower(name)));
ALTER INDEX analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events_pkey ATTACH PARTITION gitlab_partitions_static.analytics_cycle_analytics_issue_stage_events_00_pkey;
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