Snowplow is an enterprise-grade marketing and Product Intelligence platform which helps track the way users engage with our website and application.
[Snowplow]( consists of the following loosely-coupled sub-systems:
[Snowplow]( consists of the following loosely-coupled sub-systems:
-**Trackers** fire Snowplow events. Snowplow has 12 trackers, covering web, mobile, desktop, server, and IoT.
-**Collectors** receive Snowplow events from trackers. We have three different event collectors, synchronizing events either to Amazon S3, Apache Kafka, or Amazon Kinesis.
@@ -35,15 +35,11 @@ Snowplow is an enterprise-grade marketing and Product Intelligence platform whic

## Snowplow schema
### Useful links
We have many definitions of Snowplow's schema. We have an active issue to [standardize this schema]( including the following definitions:
-[List of events used in our codebase (Event Dictionary)](
## Enable Snowplow tracking
@@ -57,7 +53,7 @@ Snowplow tracking is enabled on, and we use it for most of our tracki
To enable Snowplow tracking on a self-managed instance:
1. Go to the Admin Area (**{admin}**) and select **Settings > General**.
1. Go to the Admin Area (**{admin}**) and select **Settings > General**.
Alternatively, go to `admin/application_settings/general` in your browser.
1. Expand **Snowplow**.
@@ -162,7 +158,7 @@ Snowplow JS adds many [web-specific parameters](https://docs.snowplowanalytics.c
## Implementing Snowplow JS (Frontend) tracking
GitLab provides `Tracking`, an interface that wraps the [Snowplow JavaScript Tracker]( for tracking custom events. The simplest way to use it is to add `data-` attributes to clickable elements and dropdowns. There is also a Vue mixin (exposing a `track` method), and the static method `Tracking.event`. Each of these requires at minimum a `category` and an `action`. You can provide additional [Structured event taxonomy](#structured-event-taxonomy) properties along with an `extra` object that accepts key-value pairs.
GitLab provides `Tracking`, an interface that wraps the [Snowplow JavaScript Tracker]( for tracking custom events. The simplest way to use it is to add `data-` attributes to clickable elements and dropdowns. There is also a Vue mixin (exposing a `track` method), and the static method `Tracking.event`. Each of these requires at minimum a `category` and an `action`. You can provide additional [Structured event taxonomy](#structured-event-taxonomy) properties along with an `extra` object that accepts key-value pairs.
GitLab provides `Gitlab::Tracking`, an interface that wraps the [Snowplow Ruby Tracker]( for tracking custom events.
GitLab provides `Gitlab::Tracking`, an interface that wraps the [Snowplow Ruby Tracker]( for tracking custom events.
Custom event tracking and instrumentation can be added by directly calling the `GitLab::Tracking.event` class method, which accepts the following arguments: