Commit 7bfe9ae2 authored by Walmyr's avatar Walmyr Committed by Sanad Liaquat

Turn single line code into blocks

To improve doc readability.

parent 305455cf
......@@ -547,15 +547,27 @@ Now let's change the view and the `dropdowns_helper` files to add the selectors
In the [app/views/shared/issuable/_sidebar.html.haml]( file, on [line 105 ](, add an extra class `qa-edit-link-labels`.
The code should look like this: `= link_to _('Edit'), '#', class: 'js-sidebar-dropdown-toggle edit-link float-right qa-edit-link-labels'`.
The code should look like this:
= link_to _('Edit'), '#', class: 'js-sidebar-dropdown-toggle edit-link float-right qa-edit-link-labels'
In the same file, on [line 121](, add an extra class `.qa-dropdown-menu-labels`.
The code should look like this: ``.
The code should look like this:
In the [`dropdowns_helper.rb`]( file, on [line 94](, add an extra class `qa-dropdown-input-field`.
The code should look like this: `filter_output = search_field_tag search_id, nil, class: "dropdown-input-field qa-dropdown-input-field", placeholder: placeholder, autocomplete: 'off'`.
The code should look like this:
filter_output = search_field_tag search_id, nil, class: "dropdown-input-field qa-dropdown-input-field", placeholder: placeholder, autocomplete: 'off'
> Classes starting with `qa-` are used for testing purposes only, and by defining such classes in the elements we add **testability** in the application.
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