Commit 823ac6bc authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents 6440ea2b 164d66e0
export const ACTIVE_TAB_CLASSES = Object.freeze([
export const ACTIVE_TAB_CLASSES = Object.freeze(['active', 'gl-tab-nav-item-active']);
export const ACTIVE_PANEL_CLASS = 'active';
......@@ -209,6 +209,21 @@ class GroupsController < Groups::ApplicationController
def issues
return super if Feature.disabled?(:vue_issues_list, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
@has_issues =, group_id:
@has_projects = group_projects.exists?
respond_to do |format|
format.atom { render layout: 'xml.atom' }
def render_show_html
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
include RecordUserLastActivity
ISSUES_EXCEPT_ACTIONS = %i[index calendar new create bulk_update import_csv export_csv service_desk].freeze
SET_ISSUABLES_INDEX_ONLY_ACTIONS = %i[index calendar service_desk].freeze
SET_ISSUABLES_INDEX_ONLY_ACTIONS = %i[calendar service_desk].freeze
prepend_before_action(only: [:index]) { authenticate_sessionless_user!(:rss) }
prepend_before_action(only: [:calendar]) { authenticate_sessionless_user!(:ics) }
......@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
before_action :issue, unless: ->(c) { ISSUES_EXCEPT_ACTIONS.include?(c.action_name.to_sym) }
after_action :log_issue_show, unless: ->(c) { ISSUES_EXCEPT_ACTIONS.include?(c.action_name.to_sym) }
before_action :set_issuables_index, if: ->(c) { SET_ISSUABLES_INDEX_ONLY_ACTIONS.include?(c.action_name.to_sym) }
before_action :set_issuables_index, if: ->(c) {
SET_ISSUABLES_INDEX_ONLY_ACTIONS.include?(c.action_name.to_sym) ||
(c.action_name.to_sym == :index && Feature.disabled?(:vue_issues_list, project&.group, default_enabled: :yaml))
# Allow write(create) issue
before_action :authorize_create_issue!, only: [:new, :create]
......@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ module IssuesHelper
def group_issues_list_data(group, current_user, issues, projects)
def group_issues_list_data(group, current_user)
common_issues_list_data(group, current_user).merge(
has_any_issues: issues.to_a.any?.to_s,
has_any_projects: any_projects?(projects).to_s
has_any_issues: @has_issues.to_s,
has_any_projects: @has_projects.to_s
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module TabHelper
def gl_tab_link_to(name = nil, options = {}, html_options = {}, &block)
link_classes = %w[nav-link gl-tab-nav-item]
active_link_classes = %w[active gl-tab-nav-item-active gl-tab-nav-item-active-indigo]
active_link_classes = %w[active gl-tab-nav-item-active]
if block_given?
# Shift params to skip the omitted "name" param
......@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ module Ci
has_many :build_trace_chunks, class_name: 'Ci::BuildTraceChunk', through: :builds, source: :trace_chunks
has_many :trigger_requests, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :commit_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent
has_many :variables, class_name: 'Ci::PipelineVariable'
has_many :deployments, through: :builds
has_many :latest_builds, -> { latest.with_project_and_metadata }, foreign_key: :commit_id, inverse_of: :pipeline, class_name: 'Ci::Build'
has_many :downloadable_artifacts, -> do
not_expired.or(where_exists(::Ci::Pipeline.artifacts_locked.where(' = ci_builds.commit_id'))).downloadable.with_job
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, safe_params.merge(rss_url_options).to_h, title: "#{} issues")
- if Feature.enabled?(:vue_issues_list, @group, default_enabled: :yaml)
.js-issues-list{ data: group_issues_list_data(@group, current_user, @issues, @projects) }
.js-issues-list{ data: group_issues_list_data(@group, current_user) }
- if @can_bulk_update
= render_if_exists 'shared/issuable/group_bulk_update_sidebar', group: @group, type: :issues
- else
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
announcement_date: "2022-01-22" # The date of the milestone release when this feature was first announced as deprecated. This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), unless you did an out of band blog post.
removal_milestone: "15.0" # The milestone when this feature is planned to be removed
removal_date: "2022-05-22" # the date of the milestone release when this feature is planned to be removed
breaking_change: false # If this deprecation is a breaking change, set this value to true
breaking_change: true # If this deprecation is a breaking change, set this value to true
body: | # Do not modify this line, instead modify the lines below.
The `merged_by` field in the [merge request API]( is being deprecated and will be removed in GitLab 15.0. This field is being replaced with the `merge_user` field (already present in GraphQL) which more correctly identifies who merged a merge request when performing actions (merge when pipeline succeeds, add to merge train) other than a simple merge.
# The following items are not published on the docs page, but may be used in the future.
......@@ -715,6 +715,12 @@ only supported report file in 15.0, but this is the first step towards GitLab su
### merged_by API field
This feature will be changed or removed in 15.0
as a [breaking change](
Before updating GitLab, review the details carefully to determine if you need to make any
changes to your code, settings, or workflow.
The `merged_by` field in the [merge request API]( is being deprecated and will be removed in GitLab 15.0. This field is being replaced with the `merge_user` field (already present in GraphQL) which more correctly identifies who merged a merge request when performing actions (merge when pipeline succeeds, add to merge train) other than a simple merge.
**Planned removal milestone: 15.0 (2022-05-22)**
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module EE
override :group_issues_list_data
def group_issues_list_data(group, current_user, issues, projects)
def group_issues_list_data(group, current_user)
super.tap do |data|
data[:can_bulk_update] = (can?(current_user, :admin_issue, group) && group.feature_available?(:group_bulk_edit)).to_s
......@@ -186,8 +186,6 @@ RSpec.describe EE::IssuesHelper do
describe '#group_issues_list_data' do
let(:current_user) { double.as_null_object }
let(:issues) { [] }
let(:projects) { [] }
before do
allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(current_user)
......@@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ RSpec.describe EE::IssuesHelper do
expect(helper.group_issues_list_data(group, current_user, issues, projects)).to include(expected)
expect(helper.group_issues_list_data(group, current_user)).to include(expected)
......@@ -230,7 +228,7 @@ RSpec.describe EE::IssuesHelper do
has_multiple_issue_assignees_feature: 'false'
result = helper.group_issues_list_data(group, current_user, issues, projects)
result = helper.group_issues_list_data(group, current_user)
expect(result).to include(expected)
expect(result).not_to include(:group_path)
......@@ -342,8 +342,6 @@ RSpec.describe IssuesHelper do
describe '#group_issues_list_data' do
let(:group) { create(:group) }
let(:current_user) { double.as_null_object }
let(:issues) { [] }
let(:projects) { [] }
it 'returns expected result' do
allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(current_user)
......@@ -351,20 +349,23 @@ RSpec.describe IssuesHelper do
allow(helper).to receive(:image_path).and_return('#')
allow(helper).to receive(:url_for).and_return('#')
assign(:has_issues, false)
assign(:has_projects, true)
expected = {
autocomplete_award_emojis_path: autocomplete_award_emojis_path,
calendar_path: '#',
empty_state_svg_path: '#',
full_path: group.full_path,
has_any_issues: issues.to_a.any?.to_s,
has_any_projects: any_projects?(projects).to_s,
has_any_issues: false.to_s,
has_any_projects: true.to_s,
is_signed_in: current_user.present?.to_s,
jira_integration_path: help_page_url('integration/jira/issues', anchor: 'view-jira-issues'),
rss_path: '#',
sign_in_path: new_user_session_path
expect(helper.group_issues_list_data(group, current_user, issues, projects)).to include(expected)
expect(helper.group_issues_list_data(group, current_user)).to include(expected)
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ RSpec.describe TabHelper do
it 'creates an active tab with item_active = true' do
expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('Link', '/url', { item_active: true })).to match(/<a class=".*active gl-tab-nav-item-active gl-tab-nav-item-active-indigo.*"/)
expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('Link', '/url', { item_active: true })).to match(/<a class=".*active gl-tab-nav-item-active.*"/)
context 'when on the active page' do
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ RSpec.describe TabHelper do
it 'creates an active tab' do
expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('Link', '/url')).to match(/<a class=".*active gl-tab-nav-item-active gl-tab-nav-item-active-indigo.*"/)
expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('Link', '/url')).to match(/<a class=".*active gl-tab-nav-item-active.*"/)
it 'creates an inactive tab with item_active = false' do
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