Commit 865cd871 authored by Matthias Kaeppler's avatar Matthias Kaeppler

Add memory view to Performance Bar

This adds a new indicator displaying the memory
allocated during a given web transaction.

Changelog: added
parent 15448f95
......@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ export default {
header: s__('PerformanceBar|External Http calls'),
keys: ['label', 'code', 'proxy', 'error'],
metric: 'memory',
header: s__('PerformanceBar|Memory'),
keys: ['item_header', 'item_content'],
metric: 'total',
header: s__('PerformanceBar|Frontend resources'),
......@@ -15,9 +15,15 @@ Peek.into Peek::Views::Elasticsearch
Peek.into Peek::Views::Rugged
Peek.into Peek::Views::ExternalHttp
Peek.into Peek::Views::BulletDetailed if defined?(Bullet)
Peek.into Peek::Views::Memory
Peek.into Peek::Views::Tracing if Labkit::Tracing.tracing_url_enabled?
# Trigger view creation here, since views might be subscribing to Rails notifications
# via setup_subscribers, which is called in the initializer.
# See
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('endpoint_run.grape') do |_name, _start, _finish, _id, payload|
if request_id = payload[:env]['action_dispatch.request_id']
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Performance Bar **(FREE SELF)**
> The **Stats** field [introduced]( in GitLab SaaS 13.9.
> The **Stats** field [introduced]( in GitLab 13.9.
> The **Memory** field [introduced]( in GitLab 14.0.
You can display the GitLab Performance Bar to see statistics for the performance
of a page. When activated, it looks as follows:
......@@ -40,9 +41,11 @@ From left to right, it displays:
Time until something was visible to the user.
- [**DomContentLoaded**]( Event.
- **Total number of requests** the page loaded.
- **Trace**: If Jaeger is integrated, **Trace** links to a Jaeger tracing page
- **Memory**: the amount of memory consumed and objects allocated during the selected request.
Select it to display a window with more details.
- **Trace**: if Jaeger is integrated, **Trace** links to a Jaeger tracing page
with the current request's `correlation_id` included.
- **+**: A link to add a request's details to the performance bar. The request
- **+**: a link to add a request's details to the performance bar. The request
can be added by its full URL (authenticated as the current user), or by the value of
its `X-Request-Id` header.
- **Download**: a link to download the raw JSON used to generate the Performance Bar reports.
......@@ -52,6 +55,11 @@ From left to right, it displays:
- **Stats** (optional): if the `GITLAB_PERFORMANCE_BAR_STATS_URL` environment variable is set,
this URL is displayed in the bar. In GitLab 13.9 and later, used only in GitLab SaaS.
Not all indicators are available in all environments. For instance, the memory view
requires to run Ruby with [specific patches]( applied.
When running GitLab locally using the GDK this is typically not the case and the memory view cannot be used.
## Request warnings
Requests that exceed predefined limits display a warning **{warning}** icon and
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Peek
module Views
class Memory < View
MEM_OBJECTS_LABEL = 'Objects allocated'
MEM_MALLOCS_LABEL = 'Allocator calls'
MEM_BYTES_LABEL = 'Large allocations'
def initialize(options = {})
@thread_memory = {}
def results
return thread_memory if thread_memory.empty?
calls: byte_string(thread_memory[:mem_total_bytes]),
summary: {
MEM_OBJECTS_LABEL => number_string(thread_memory[:mem_objects]),
MEM_MALLOCS_LABEL => number_string(thread_memory[:mem_mallocs]),
MEM_BYTES_LABEL => byte_string(thread_memory[:mem_bytes])
details: [
item_header: MEM_TOTAL_LABEL,
item_content: "Total memory use of this request. This includes both occupancy of existing heap slots " \
"as well as newly allocated memory due to large objects. Not adjusted for freed memory. " \
"Lower is better."
item_header: MEM_OBJECTS_LABEL,
item_content: "Total number of objects allocated by the Ruby VM during this request. " \
"Not adjusted for objects that were freed again. Lower is better."
item_header: MEM_MALLOCS_LABEL,
item_content: "Total number of times Ruby had to call `malloc`, the C memory allocator. " \
"This is necessary for objects that are too large to fit into a 40 Byte slot in Ruby's managed heap. " \
"Lower is better."
item_header: MEM_BYTES_LABEL,
item_content: "Memory allocated for objects that did not fit into a heap slot. " \
"Not adjusted for memory that was freed again. Lower is better."
attr_reader :thread_memory
def setup_subscribers
subscribe 'process_action.action_controller' do
# Ensure that Peek will see memory instrumentation in `results` by triggering it when
# a request is done processing. Peek itself hooks into the same notification:
def byte_string(bytes)
def number_string(num)
ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human(num, units: { thousand: 'k', million: 'M', billion: 'B' })
......@@ -23958,6 +23958,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PerformanceBar|Gitaly calls"
msgstr ""
msgid "PerformanceBar|Memory"
msgstr ""
msgid "PerformanceBar|Redis calls"
msgstr ""
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Peek::Views::Memory, :request_store do
subject! { }
before do
context 'with process_action.action_controller notification' do
it 'returns empty results when it has not yet fired' do
expect(subject.results).to eq({})
it 'returns memory instrumentation data when it has fired' do
expect(subject.results[:calls]).to eq('2 MB')
expect(subject.results[:details]).to all(have_key(:item_header))
expect(subject.results[:details]).to all(have_key(:item_content))
expect(subject.results[:summary]).to include('Objects allocated' => '200 k')
expect(subject.results[:summary]).to include('Allocator calls' => '500')
expect(subject.results[:summary]).to include('Large allocations' => '1 KB')
def stub_memory_instrumentation
start_memory = {
total_malloc_bytes: 1,
total_mallocs: 2,
total_allocated_objects: 3
allow(Gitlab::Memory::Instrumentation).to receive(:start_thread_memory_allocations).and_return(start_memory)
allow(Gitlab::Memory::Instrumentation).to receive(:measure_thread_memory_allocations).with(start_memory).and_return({
mem_total_bytes: 2_097_152,
mem_bytes: 1024,
mem_mallocs: 500,
mem_objects: 200_000
def publish_notification
headers = double
allow(headers).to receive(:env).and_return('action_dispatch.request_id': 'req-42')
'process_action.action_controller', Time.current - 1.second, Time.current, 'id', headers: headers
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