Commit 8df2e8cf authored by Marin Jankovski's avatar Marin Jankovski

Merge branch 'docs/broken-link-code-review-guidelines' into 'master'

Fixed broken link to build team in documentation

Closes #46949

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!19224
parents 0956c860 146279b5
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ There are a few rules to get your merge request accepted:
1. If your merge request includes UX, frontend and backend changes [^1], it must
be **approved by a [UX team member, a frontend and a backend maintainer][team]**.
1. If your merge request includes a new dependency or a filesystem change, it must
be **approved by a [Build team member][team]**. See [how to work with the Build team][build handbook] for more details.
be *approved by a [Distribution team member][team]*. See how to work with the [Distribution team for more details.](
1. To lower the amount of merge requests maintainers need to review, you can
ask or assign any [reviewers][projects] for a first review.
1. If you need some guidance (e.g. it's your first merge request), feel free
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