Commit 9e321043 authored by Gabriel Gizotti's avatar Gabriel Gizotti

extract duplicate logic into a variable on _commit_message_container

parent 41815285
- nonce = SecureRandom.hex
- descriptions = local_assigns.slice(:message_with_description, :message_without_description)
= label_tag "commit_message-#{nonce}", class: 'control-label' do
Commit message
......@@ -8,14 +9,14 @@
= text_area_tag 'commit_message',
(params[:commit_message] || local_assigns[:text] || local_assigns[:placeholder]),
class: 'form-control js-commit-message', placeholder: local_assigns[:placeholder],
data: local_assigns.slice(:message_with_description, :message_without_description),
data: descriptions,
required: true, rows: (local_assigns[:rows] || 3),
id: "commit_message-#{nonce}"
- if local_assigns[:hint]
Try to keep the first line under 52 characters
and the others under 72.
-if local_assigns.slice(:message_with_description, :message_without_description).present?
- if descriptions.present?
= link_to "#", class: "with-description-link" do
Include description in commit message
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