Commit a7dfa495 authored by Simon Knox's avatar Simon Knox Committed by Jose Ivan Vargas

select2 for dropdown with Users and Groups

parent abddc8c0
......@@ -23,6 +23,17 @@ var Api = {
return callback(group);
users: function(search, options, callback) {
var url = Api.buildUrl("/autocomplete/users.json");
return $.ajax({
data: $.extend({
per_page: 20
}, options),
dataType: 'json'
// Return groups list. Filtered by query
groups: function(query, options, callback) {
var url = Api.buildUrl(Api.groupsPath);
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, no-unused-vars, one-var, no-underscore-dangle, prefer-template, no-else-return, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
/* global Api */
(function() {
var bind = function(fn, me) { return function() { return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
......@@ -24,8 +25,82 @@
$('.js-approvers').on('click', this.addApprover.bind(this));
$(document).on('click', '.js-approver-remove', this.removeApprover.bind(this));
placeholder: 'Search for users or groups',
multiple: true,
minimumInputLength: 0,
query(query) {
var options = { };
const groupsApi = Api.groups(query.term, options, function(groups) {
return groups;
const usersApi = Api.users(query.term, options, function(groups) {
return groups;
return $.when(groupsApi, usersApi).then((groups, users) => {
const data = {
results: groups[0].concat(users[0]),
return query.callback(data);
formatResult: this.formatResult,
formatSelection: this.formatSelection,
dropdownCssClass: 'ajax-groups-dropdown',
.on('change', (evt) => {
const { added, removed } = evt;
const groupInput = $('[name="project[approver_group_ids]"]');
const userInput = $('[name="project[approver_ids]"]');
if (added) {
if (added.full_name) {
groupInput.val(`${groupInput.val()},${}`.replace(/^,/, ''));
} else {
userInput.val(`${userInput.val()},${}`.replace(/^,/, ''));
if (removed) {
if (removed.full_name) {
groupInput.val(groupInput.val().replace(new RegExp(`,?${}`), ''));
} else {
userInput.val(userInput.val().replace(new RegExp(`,?${}`), ''));
ProjectNew.prototype.formatResult = function(group) {
if (group.username) {
return "<div class='group-result'> <div class='group-name'>" + + "</div> <div class='group-path'></div> </div>";
let avatar;
if (group.avatar_url) {
avatar = group.avatar_url;
} else {
avatar = gon.default_avatar_url;
return `
<div class='group-result'>
<div class='group-name'>
<div class='group-path'>
ProjectNew.prototype.formatSelection = function(group) {
return group.full_name ||;
ProjectNew.prototype.removeApprover = function(evt) {
const target = evt.currentTarget;
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